Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CC blocks are done!

Hi Everyone! Above are my completed Carolina Christmas blocks...and this is not all of them. This will be a humongous quilt...hopefully my husband will love it! He is a big guy and needs big quilts to reach all the way down to his toes. This may or may not be the final arrangement...I am waiting for inspiration on how to set them together.
My friend Joyce in Arizona sent some lovely red pieces, already cut to size, to go in this quilt. Isn't that the coolest? I loved her fabrics! Above and below are a couple of my favorites that she sent.
Plaid!! Love it...thanks Joyce!
Ignore the threads, I am a cut-all-the-threads at the end of the quilt top kind of girl...but this is my version of Lori at's antique baby quilt. This was tough, tough for me to do...scrappy, but controlled, and I actually had to pay attention to what I was doing. It was a great skill builder for me. Can't wait for the next step.

I am pretty sick...have been fighting a cold kind of thing. I just don't have great tolerance for this...I have stuff to do!!

Hope each one of you has a super day!



Nancy said...

Your blocks turned out great.

Thank you for the magazine. It arrived in yesterday's mail.

Loris said...

Your Carolina Christmas looks awesome and I love Joyce's blocks! What a sweet friend!
Hope your cold passes quickly. Keep the chicken soup simmering. I find it most comforting to sip when I getting through a cold.

ria vogelzang said...

What a great Carolina Christmas Mysterie-quilt! I'm not nearly as far as you!
Love Joyce's blocks too! You have a great friend!
Good luck on finding the right combination!

Danielle said...

I love your Carolina Christmas blocks! Just so pretty.

Sharon said...

I've got the pattern all printed, a stack of shirtings for my background and that's as far as I've gotten. Love your layout, are you planning any red sashing between the blocks? Pieced border like the pattern? I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

kimland said...

Julie, your blocks look great. I am so envious of what you have done. I want to do what you are doing...scrappy. Not enough trust in myself. I am going to get there...but when??

Karen said...

You have sewn a ton of blocks and your quilt is going to be a big one. It will be toasty warm!

Pat said...

I love the way you have the blocks laid out there......great job on this (as usual!!!) How nice to get some precut pieces that fit so nicely in your quilt, too.

*karendianne. said...

Oh my there's nothing but great stuff here! Wow. I love your version of Cheddar Cheese and Crackers, friend. And my goodness by your blocks for Caroline Christmas are delectable. Love those reds Joyce shared with you. What a sweetheart.

Take care of yourself and be well my friend. Many many warm snuggly loving hugs from me to you!!! *karendianne.

Paula said...

Love your CC blocks and I'm in love with all the Crackers and cheddar quilts I'm seeing. I'm enjoying watching them come together!

Nicole said...

Wonderful blocks! Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I popped in today or I would have missed that gorgeous quilt top! Your Carolina Christmas looks amazing!!

Kristie said...

I certainly hope that you feel better soon!

Your blocks look great! I also love the new little baby quilt

Stephanie D said...

Ooo, that's looking really pretty! Will you add a sashing? Because the background looks like a sashing and I really like that.

Sorry about the cold--what a bummer. Not really fever and chills kind of sick, but feel to crappy to be called well.

Janet said...

Both sets of blocks look great. That's a lot of piecing in the Carolina Christmas but so worth it. Get better soon.

Libby said...

What great blocks for both quilts. Can't wait to see them all together.

Lori said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!!
I love how the CC is turning out and it does look massive! What an undertaking.
I'm a cut your strings as you go girl...great job on the cheddar blocks!

Darcie said...

Poor girl. Sorry to hear you're down with a cold. Has your dear husband made you any chicken noodle soup yet? ;-)

Love those little blocks-in-the-works you've got going. Adorable. And your Carolina Christmas blocks (or is that Colorado?!) look terrific! You certainly made fast work of that challenge!

Hope you begin feeling like yourself again very soon! Chicken noodle soup and a nice warm soaking bath and a hot mug of tea...that oughtta knock it. ;-)

Many New Year hugs to you, Jules!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Is that ever gorgeous!!!

AnnieO said...

Bonnie's brain is a wonderful place to get ideas from--this is absolutely beautiful! Looking forward to seeing what setting you end up with---liking the one you have laid out already! My son is a big guy too and I made him a close to 90 x 100 inch sized quilt last year that I renamed the Monster by the time It was quilted and bound. He loves it because at nearly 6'4" tall, when he lies underneath with his arms spread, his hands don't go outside the quilt!

Jan said...

Your quilt is lovely! I love the colors. Great job. Hope you feel better soon!

DeAnna said...

Love the CC blocks. It's going to be beautiful. Hope that you feel better soon. We get so behind when we are sick. Take care and stay warm!

Nines said...

Wow!! That is a floor full of blocks! Great job! Hope you feel better soon.

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I am giving it a good effort and am close to catching up to you!

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Love those Carolina Crossroad blocks... they are striking.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Beautiful blocks! :) Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend, I wish you a speedy recovery and plenty of your colour choices for the Carolina Christmas have done a lot of work....Hugs Lyn

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! I just stumbled across your block - what a lovely blog.

Texan said...

Love your Carolina Christmas Blocks, going to be a fabulous quilt!

We are frozen as I know you guys are as well...

Its been rough on the animals...

I think we are turning the corner now though and will start to warm up!

Patty E said...

Love your new banner photo, great job.

MARCIE said...

Those CC blocks are wonderful! Your husband will be thrilled, I am sure! Love your little cheddar blocks too. You are a busy girl!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I haven't started CC yet but the mope pics I see of it the more I want to do it!

Wendy said...

The blocks turned out great. It's going to be a wonderful quilt when your done.

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...