Monday, November 9, 2009

Yesteryear? Not so long ago!

Hi Friends!

Before I was a quilter, I was a cross-stitcher...and before that, I was a garment maker. I have done tailoring....but all that is over, because I am now a quilter!! I have been cleaning out the garage, and I found the partially done cross stitch kitty face above. I think she is pretty! I unfortunately do not have the instruction/chart to finish her. I have no idea where the instructions went to, but I think I lent them to someone long ago.
Did you ever darn socks? I know I am dating myself, but my mother and I used to darn socks. Above is one of her darning "eggs", and she had real egg shapes too. I am glad I don't have to do that anymore!

A cross stitch clock I made, in my favorite colors of the tme.

And remember 1930's prints? Before I discovered 1800's reproduction fabrics, these were a favorite. I wanted to make a very traditional pattern from these very traditional prints. A few of the fabrics are real fabrics from the 1930's, from my grandmother's quilt scraps. I have all the dresden plates made, just need to applique them on the backgrounds, trim them, and sew them together. Someday I will get to this project! (I found them Karen!)

More traditional stuff...I have nine of these blocks prepped and ready to finish, with sashing all ready.
Have a super day!!!


Stina Blomgren said...

Love your dresdens.. so pretty... and I have done almost the same as you before QUILTING!!! :o)

Stina Blomgren said...
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Anonymous said...

I love your garage treasures! Maybe I should follow your lead and clean out our garage? Thanks for sharing the photos.

Amelia said...

Yes, Julie, we are getting older...and our hobbies the dresden plate blocks...and the little sunbonnet sue is so cute.

Have a great week!

antique quilter said...

oh I hope you finish the dresden plates , they look wonderful..
a quilt I have always wanted to make too!
some day!

Nines said...

What fun to find little bits of lost treasure. And to purge what we don't like anymore. I love the dresdan plates and the Sues. I have some old crossstitch around here in the same colors!

Trisha said...

I keep thinking I need to learn how to darn socks since I hand knit my socks. Someday I know I will get a hole in them and I won't want to just throw them away. I figure when the time comes I will google it and learn how.

Nancy said...

My mother used a light bulb for darning. I attempted to darn once and added some not so pleasant words to my vocabulary. Needless to say, I don't even attempt to darn anymore.

Love the Dresden plates and the Sunbonnet Sue blocks!

PatchworkRose said...

Love your Dresdens. They are gorgeous. Hope you get to finish them. I knit my own socks and have been know to reknit the wear but not darn :-)

Quilter Kathy said...

Gee you seem to have a lot of UFO's! *s*
I love the dresden plate blocks. It reminds me of my wedding quilt.

*karendianne. said...

Oh boy you sure did find them. Check out those dresden plates. Will you hand applique them or machine applique? They're so nice and big and beautiful! I'd have to say this would be... well I'd have to start on these, wouldn't you? They're sooooo pretty Julie!

Texan said...

oh love the dresden plate blocks!
That will be so great when done... sun bonnet sue or dutch doll is so cute... I did blocks like that with my Grandma when I was I wish I had those blocks now!! She called them Dutch Doll :O)

Pat said...

OOOOOO...such pretty things for you to finish "someday". Keep us posted as you work on them, okay?


Oh what great treasures you have found--the sunbonnet sue looks just like the pattern my mom did--but she never finished them--I finally did some up into 2 different quilt wall hangings--some even have fabrics from dresses we made and from dresses I made my daughter when she was little!!!!
take care--hugs, Di

AnnieO said...

What great finds! Hmmm, let me guess on the clock colors---was it the late 1980's? Blue and mauve, it was EVERYWHERE! Love the Dresden plates and Sunbonnet Sue blocks. They will make great quilts.

Libby said...

I think many of us have gone through a progression of hobbies that lead us to quilting - thank goodness the road brought us here *s*
Love the vintage fabric treasures - it's going to be one fabulous quilt!

ladydi said...

Oh, oh, oh!! I love your cross stitched clock. It's beautiful! I followed pretty much the same progression you did; garments, stitching, and quilting. I still do some of each.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...