I got sidetracked again with this one, when I had aimed to work on the DD mystery quilt. I guess that is the way of it, I kind of like being pulled this was and that! Days off are precious and few, so I have to be a bit choosy about what to do, and balance taking care of the home and hubby and family. I am so pleased with this little top! So there is my quilty news of the week. I am wondering if anyone is interested in started a row by row quilt, using some of the 2.5 inch strips/squares?? I would like to make one this year! And it would be fun to have company along the journey...
I feel a bit burned out right now. Not about the patients, not about the families, I just love them so much. There is a big uproar at work,, with the manager mandating that the day shift work night shift to help cover. Not even a matter of asking, really; if there is not enough staff we will have to work nights. For this morning glory kind of girl who falls asleep at 9:30 at night, it would be pretty dangerous for me to handle a full load of critical patients while I am half asleep. We all feel pretty much like pieces of meat, just tossed about at will. We shall see what happens.
I am going to add just a little bit about my nursing to my blog posts, so feel free to skip this if you are not interested.
Have a wonderful day!!!