Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Drum roll, please!

This little quilt was quilted in crosshatches! Inspired by Bren, she showed the most wonderful quilting to me and I just had to try it. Of course, I still have to wash the pencil marks out, but this was so much fun!

But the big news is that the winner has been pulled out of the basket for the little hand-quilted quilt! I am so honored to have so many visitors, (153)and have met some wonderful new friends, as well as enjoyed old ones. We printed out all the comments, cut them up, put them into a basket and the winner was drawn...Karen Dianne at LeeHaven! Karen, please e-mail me with your snail mail address and it will be winging it's way to you! This was definitely fun, and I would like to do this pretty regularly...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Orange Crush Part 3! (and part 2)

Good Morning!!

Pretty bad picture! Nevertheless, I wanted to show you my embroidery. I see it called stitchery these days on all your wonderful blogs, but my Mom called it embroidering like this and had us doing it when we were really little! Is there a difference, probably so! Please let me know! :) I have a fingerprint on the picture, and a shadow, but still would like you to see my little dragonfly...

I have had a productive morning...Above is part three of Bonnie's Orange Crush Mystery. Of course, you have to see all the threads and no points trimmed...I love the way they turned out!
The pieces on the left lay more flat, as they have had that little point trimmed off in the middle. I am enjoying my new rulers, the Easy angle and the Conpanion angle! I never would have thought these would fit together so well! So have learned something new and am enjoying it so much. This is the completed part 2. The points even match in the middle! (sometimes) :) I used to be stressed (only slightly) when my piecing was not perfect, now it is such a joy to just enjoy it. The quilt police have left the building! I am using mostly 1800's reproductions, but if another pieces sneak in, that's ok too. I have been hoarding my little stash of reproductions for a long time, but I need to use what I have! I need to have faith that more fabric will be available when I need it, and that is can live in the store until I do(Bonnies' words)!!
I am wondering in anticipation...how will the blocks/quilt go together? That is the fun of it!! I love to get the parts done and wait in anticipation until the next clue.
I sincerely wish you joy on this Tuesday! I hope each person has a little time for themselves and their projects. My 67th post...tomarrow is the 68th and the quilt drawing!! fun!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

quilting stuff at last!! :)

Well, this has been a whirlwind last several days! A quick trip OOT, then working 3 -13 hours shifts straight...I have missed doing anything but working, sleeping and eating!!

Wow! How neat that so many people have commented on the little quilt I am giving away on my last post. It has been so nice to hear from friends and meet new ones, too! I should have made the drawing a shorter time frame, but I will still do the drawing on the 30th, because that is what I said, and I should honor that. But I can hardly wait to speed the little quilt to it's new home!

I am supposed to be working on a plaid quilt, and for evidence that I actually am, I present the above block. All the plaids are different, some from clothing, some from fabric samples, etc. It will be quite the mad mix when it is done.

OK, I just can't stop making little doll quilts! This bowtie pattern was sold in the quilt shop, and I bought it, took it home, and then proceeded to make my own sized pattern...hmmm, a problem there! It is hand pieced, hand quilted, and hand stippled in the border. FUN!! this is addicting...and I love it!

I am also working on the latest Bonnie mystery quilt, Orange Crush. I am on step 2.

A final note: I got a goldfish TWO years ago. The clerk sternly said not to put him in a goldfish bowl, and that he was only a feeder fish (12 cents), and may not live long. He has lived in the big goldfish bowl for two years...today, he is more than twice as big as he was when I got him, and he has teeth! I know, because when you feed him, he crunches the food with said teeth! Cool, huh...his name is Herbert!! (may be a girl for all I know)...

Grins!! Have a wonderful day with whatever occupies you this day!!


Friday, April 11, 2008

The great quilt giveaway!!!

Hi Everyone!!

Well, in honor of my 68th post coming up, or to celebrate spring, or whatever (that means randomly), I am having a giveaway! I am doing the Orange Crush mystery quilt by Bonnie at Quiltville. So....I had lots of 4 patches left! And what is a girl to do except make a little quilt. The quilt is about 14 x 20 inches approximately, and is called "Harlequin Squares". It is really very square and flat, the picture is not too good. ( Do you like my very old-fashioned wall paper? It is original to the house, in the dining room.) Oh, back to the quilt. I hand quilted it 1 inch apart and hand stippled the border. It has a hanging sleeve and signature and date on the back. I absolutely loved making this quilt! All the fabrics are 1800's reproductions.

So if you would kindly leave me a comment, I will put you in the drawing! If you could pass the drawing on to others in your blog rings, that would be great, too. So comment, OK?!! :) The drawing will be on April 30th, to give lots of people time to comment and participate. There may be other goodies in the package as well!

Ok, these are my colors for the Orange Crush quilt. The orange on top is really more orange than the picture, and the red plaid is more red. Vibrant! I hope it turns out well. These are stash fabrics for the most part. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day today!!


pie crust...hmmm :)

NOTE TO SELF: Do not make pie crust with self-rising flour!

Still tastes good, but the crust rose and is pretty thick!! (Apple pie) Looks pretty bizarre... :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ok! I am off today, so can write a little about what I have been up to. I finished my Orange Crush mystery quilt 4-patches, and made a few extra too...That was fun! Some of the pieces are actually pieced too, because the strips were sewn together and I just cut them whereever the 2 inch mark was...

I also finished my Amish Trip around the world, and it is on our roll top desk. I don't know why, but I like to put little quilts on there, it looks pretty to me. It is quilted in black thread by hand and is about 24 inches square.
And last of all...if you are in good health, as I am in reasonable health, we are soooo lucky! My neighbor, who is a young woman, has breast cancer, spread to her lungs, liver and brain...I feel so bad for her! I was just out walking with her, and have offered to do this anytime she wants. She is so unsteady on her feet and has had two full years of chemo and radiation, the latest radiation to her brain. She is so little and frail... So rejoice and care for your health as best you can, everyone! I intend to...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The below heart blocks are all hand applique, and are a free block of the month from Suz Guzman, on line. It just started in January...you can catch up quickly!


Here are my block of the month heart blocks. The March block is only pinned, but ready to stitch!
January block...
February block...

How many of you all out there are doing Bonnie's second mystery? Just curious about that! Hope everyone has a marvelous day! I have been back to work and doing well after surgery.


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...