Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Why is my profile and list of link down at the bottom of the page??? I didn't move it and have no clue of how to get it back. Help???

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Complete Carolina Crossroads!! WOOhoo!!!

Hope everyone is having a super good day today! Guess what? I finallly finished the quilt top Carolina Crossroads!!! And I like it so much. I put a 1 inch red border, and then auditioned more fabrics than whoed-a-thought-it for the border...and another red piece from the stash won out!! So it is mostly a red quilt now...and that is perfectly Ok, is it not?? I used so much of my stash with this one!! I don't even have an estimate, but lots and lots is gone!! I battle in my mind about trying to hand quilt this. But I will send it out, I think, for quilting. After all, we want to use it in my lifetime!! :)

I also finished the hand-quilted baptist fans on the other little quilt. It is for our poodle!! A warm and snuggly for him. He has not said whether he likes the qulting or not yet...hard to please....

Anyone know a nonsurgical solution for sciatica from a ruptured disk in my back???? It sure smarts....going to the doctor today.

Happy Tuesday to everyone!!!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Lookee, lookee!!

Hi everyone!

See what I have been doing on this rainy, soggy, cold day? I previous had made all the blocks for Bonnie's Mysterious Quilt, and have been setting them together today. I took a little bit of design liberty and set mine together with sashes and cornerstones, and I just love it!! I am about 1/2 way done with setting mine together for the center of the quilt, and then will add borders. This will be my Fourth of July bed quilt. How should I quilt it??? Would love to hear your suggestions if you have any strike you.

Does anyone kind of hate to see the blocks gone? Weird, but I liked the little piles of finished pieces and blocks. Maybe that is why I have a lot lying around!! hehehe :) I like piles of fabric lying around too, kind of like potential energy...and the finished quilt is kinetic energy!!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday, whether at home or at work or at the sewing machine.

Thanks so much, Bonnie, for putting this mystery quilt out for all of us. It has been so much fun!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hi all!

Kim from Stillmeadow quilting tagged me to tell 8 funny facts about here goes!

1. I love all animals, and have all my life. I planned to be a veterinarian when I was small, but did not quite make it!
2. I had really long hair lots of my life, sitting on it length...not now though.
3. I have never dyed my hair...ever, but nature is dyeing it now!
4. I would rather wear jeans than anything else.
5. I am pretty hard on myself, and nobody needs to beat me up about any shortcomings, that comes from me!
6. I have a gold fish who has been alive a really, really long time! (for a goldfish)
7. I love chocolate! not original, but true enough.
8. That's all for me!! Now, it is anyone's turn who would like to participate!!

Have fun and a fabulous day to everyone!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Two finishes for the new year

Hi everyone:

I have completed a couple small quilts this week. One is a small fourth-of-July quilt for the wall. The other is my Christmas Trees quilt. Both are hand-quilted, which I really enjoy doing. And both are small projects, so I completed them in between work days and housework stuff.

It is still January, right? and still cold, right? Snow in some parts of country... so it is Ok if I keep my Christmas snowmen out through January! I just love them, all smiles and so cute in their little outfits, or not...they are staying out!!
I have been trying to dress up my blog a little, so it's appearance has changed a little. I have added the "projects on which I am currently working list". The total number of UFO's I have just boggles me, so I just listed a few, and will add to this when I am done. Good motivation for me!!

I have started walking again!! it feels sooooo good! 3 miles at least each day, and 4.5 on off days. So hurrah!!

My son is getting married next year!! and we are so happy about that... and I have just got to get into shape!! I don't want wedding pictures with a plump mother of the groom...but the main thing is, I need to lose a little for my own health!! So my goal is to walk more, eat a little less, drink my water and take my vitamins. Good goals, right???

Have a wonderful day to all my quiltey friends in blogland!


Happiest New Year!

Hi everyone:

Hope you all had a great New Year's celebration! We had a quiet night, went out to eat, and then to our local theme park and walked around and looked at all the lights and decorations. Fun night!!

I have several goals for the new year; I hesitate to call them resolutions. I have listed 6 quilts to really concentrate on completing this year. My own list, for my own head to get around, in a place I look every day (the bathroom mirror). Maybe this will help spur on new efforts, right?

The above old quilt is one that was destined for the trash, but I rescued it! It is an apple core (or ax head) quilt, and probably has lots of other names. The fabrics are from the '30 and '40's in my best guess-tamation. The black/darker pieces are shreading. The quilt maker was surely a very talented lady, all her points meet so well!! and such pretty scraps. Many of the pieces are pieced together, due to fabric shortage and using every scrap. Just lovely!! I repaired the top and just slightly quilted it to hold it together and give it stability, and I love her work. So, Salute to you, unknown quilter of old, we honor your work!! Wouldn't it be fun if the original quilter would read this and contact me??

The other pictures are those of my Bonnie's Mysterious quilt coming together. I have now finished part 3 and part 4, and am working on the red and white pile (part 5). So this will be fun to get it all put together!! I wonder how many of these quilts will come to fruition...hmmmmmmmmmmmm. It would be fun to see them all!! Isn't it a good thing I clip my threads as I go? HAHA!! I just can't be perfect, look at all those threads hanging out!!

Have a wonderful day!! Day off today for me and I got all the Christmas decorations down and put away, so yahoo for that!!

Gratitudes: Health, Family, quilt fabric and Macaroni Grill lunch out!!

Julie Q

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...