Good morning, or evening to you!!! I have been sewing pouches of different sizes, and I enjoy filling them with different things and gifting them to folks at work. Nurses love fun pens, lip balm, hand cream and such!
I have peppers, but the raccoons love them, and they get "harvested" by the coons a lot. It has been very warm here for October, and the garden is flourishing.
Carrots are springing up!
And tiny Marigolds!! I love these little buddies!
This is Swiss Chard in my planter box. My mother always used to feed it to us, as children, when we were ill. We always felt better! Lots of vitamin B, and lots of loving care, I am sure, made all the difference.
Bonnie Hunter has a pattern out recently, and it is "Diamond Tiles." I love it!!! The blocks are small, and just right to use my scraps that you know I love so much. I am loving this!
Above is the link to the pattern.
A scary rooster was near the hospital. Halloween is near!
My granddaughter has a new Halloween costume!!!!
And my grandson too. What a fun time of year for children!!
Lucky continues to be a helper and design expert regarding quilts. His left front foot is permanently disabled, but that does not stop him at all. He is so funny, just delightful. I contrast his portly, sleek and well nutritional body to one outside cat that wanders the neighborhood...this precious kitty cannot weight 5 pounds. I feed her as often as she comes by, and she is precious. Hubby says NO! when I say can we have her inside...he thinks she is ill. I think she is starving, bless her! I keep food out for her, and fresh water.
The Dallas Arboretum has their annual pumpkin fall display going on, and we went. I had to kneel down and have a picture.
So pretty there!!!
More scrappy blocks going on at our home. SCRAPS RULE!!
Hope everyone is doing very well.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++Nurse's Notes++++++++++++++++++++
Hospice is closed more than it is open, so I end up floating to all kinds of places to nurse in the hospital. Some of the floors do not have chairs for the nurses, and I end up standing for my 12-hour shifts, charting, etc... mostly running room to room, though. I have learned a lot! Surgical floor...medical floor...oncology floor...ER...ICU...telemetry floor. I long for a home unit that I can just sink into and be. I have been at my hospital almost 30 years, and it has changed from a modern state of the art hospital to an urban hospital with decaying surroundings. I love the nursing part, but is different now.
Maybe I am the one who is different. I had a very significant decade birthday recently, and somehow, it makes me long for freedom. To get out of the stressful day to day at the hospital, you know? I would like to affect healthy change in other ways. To teach wellness, not try and cure disease. Folks in the USA are not as healthy as we could be!! Too much sugar, sedentary lifestyles, and too little exercise and nutrition. I would really love to change that for those who I could reach. Honestly, the medical system takes care of illness but does not teach much health. I long to do that!!!
Any thoughts?
Onwards, day by day!
You have some fun projects going on. Good things to keep Lucky entertained :-) I'm trying to figure out the growing season in my little microclimate on the coast. The lettuce and tomatoes did ok through the spring and summer but it wasn't really until the end of September that I could get any cucumbers and my ever bearing strawberries have finally started producing as well. October seems a weird month for success but I'll take it! :-)
You have been so flexible with your nursing roles at your hospital. I hope you find a good niche to continue your career. Healthcare does seem to completely miss the idea of healthy habits. What surprises me the most is the complete lack of education in doctor's offices. They can't even take the time to teach what a medicine is for and how best to take it. And for pete's sake....have important education written down for patients!
i saw a photo of lawn flamingo skeletons...too funny....what you say about health is true...i am a reformed junk food junkie and couch potato...cardiac bypass was a wakeup call...i lost 62 pounds, took up regular exercise and follow my diet...has opened my eyes to those around me everywhere who still indulge in unhealthy behaviors...and retailers and media that drown the public in bad food...
What cute material for the bags. Yes, we all need to cut back and watch what we eat, but it's not easy.
I love your pouches and the grandchildren's pictures. So cute! I wish I could save every cats roaming out there, especially when the temperature starts to drop. For the nurse in you, I would say school. Like High School. When children start to cook for themselves, they only know their mothers' recipes which are probably not that healthy. When I was working for the welfare, we had groups of new mothers and teenage mothers and we thought them how to prepare simple salads and cook healthy meals on a budget. They had no idea what a budget was. It was so gratifying to know that we made a difference in that woman's life and her child. So, if you can get a high school that has a kitchen where you can teach healthy eating habits and other healthy stuff, it could get the ball rolling. Good luck with this awesome project. ;^)
Your grands are adorable in their costumes. Maybe a neighbor could adopt the stray. My elderly neighbors who have always been dog people adopted a stray cat in our neighborhood. It’s their first cat and Pumpkin is spoiled rotten now. I agree instead of trying to heal people; teach them how to be healthy. It has to start when they are small.
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First of all, grandchildren--ADORABLE!! Such sweet faces.
Love the little bags you are making. And of course you are filling them with goodies and giving them away, because that is who you are, and what you do!
You and your kitty are making great progress on your blocks. ;)
Your desire to help people live healthier lives is admirable. I hope you find the perfect fit for your desire to help improve people's lives, to help them avoid some of the health problems you are currently working to treat.
The Blue blocks are pretty..........
I understand how you feel re work........
I don't know how you can change your role at work but I do hope it settles more....... The healthy life messages need to get out more .... It's crazy that health could save so much money if they put money into preventative solutions to reduce the burden......
wonderful and nice online embroidery digitizing !!@!
First off, I love your projects! Someone made a bag similar for me and when I travel I carry all of my electronics in it- it is the perfect size! You are always so generous.
I hope you can settle into a work space that you feel more fulfilled. I agree about the wellness. I listened to Jillian Michaels (from the biggest loser) recently and she feels the same as you. Let's get the garbage out of our food and try and make a healthier population rather than waiting to treat it.
Regarding the work situation--have you thought about leaving the hospital entirely? I know you've been there 30 years, and probably have a retirement fund built up there, so maybe PT or PRN at the hospital, and find a different nursing job elsewhere? That's the thing about nursing--it has sooo many facets and opportunities. Maybe outpatient surgery? Busy, fast, and everyone is fairly healthy, because the really sick ones don't come through there usually. Or is there a rehab facility in your area? Lots of teaching there, and you can slip in the healthy lifestyle, too. If you want to continue to work with very ill, you might think about dialysis. It's a different challenge--we know how that ends, but it's still pretty hands on, and your critical care background would mesh nicely.
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