Monday, August 26, 2024

A soft looking quilt

Hi everyone!  I finished this quilt!  Kind of 1930's, and florals mixed into it as well.  

I have the binding all ready to go as well.

 I got a squirrelish idea to make some flags.  I was off to the races and here is my progress in less than two hours.  Wow!  How fast these are to sew!!

It is deadly hot here.  My garden is turning up its toes!!!



Julierose said...

Lovely soft tones in that first quilt--so comfy looking!!
Your little flag blocks are just adorable..nice work hugs, Julierose

Marsha B said...

Very cute quilts! I love the little flags and I sent you an email with a photo of the quilt you inspired me to make. Enjoy!

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful quilts and I have always loved quilts with Irish chains. Love your story about the young girl and wonderful that you were able to help her.

Nann said...

What a great stash buster! I enlarged the photo to see how you made the blocks -- with strips? I wonder if it would be easier, harder, or the same to make four-patches (=2 lights with fabric A and fabric B plus squares of A and B).

Tired Teacher said...

Both projects look wonderful.

Elaine Adair said...

LOVE the soft and sweetness of the pastels. Very sorry about your experience with your old car. Yikes - whatever caused so much grief? Good that you found a reliable replacement.

Vicki W said...

What a sweet quilt!

digitizing said...

nice and beautiful flowers digitizing !

digitizing company said...


Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...