Thursday, July 11, 2024

Warm days!

I received this sampler quilt back from the quilter, Paula, my buddy from childhood.  It is all trimmed and ready for binding.  Kitty cat has accepted it as his own.  

I have been playing with these pink string and scrap log cabin blocks.  I was wondering what to use for an alternate blocks and have been thinking about that.  I have 30 string blocks cut out.

This little heart was given to a cancer patient who came in, and she has decided not to pursue any treatment.  She says all of her family has passed from breast cancer, and she is going to have whatever life she has left, having fun and doing what she wants surgery.  She weighs about 90 pounds, and is a spit fire.  I just fell in love with her, and we are going to meet for coffee later in the month.

More string blocks, log cabin style.  Don't they look different when they are laid out differently?


 This is my little sampler out for Independence Day.  I just love it!

Aren't we so lucky to have this super fun quilting thing to do, to be absorbed in?  Aren't we blessed???



Tired Teacher 2 said...

Yes, we are blessed to have hobbies. I can’t imagine not having my sewing or knitting to help keep me busy and sane. That mini sampler is adorable!

cityquilter grace said...

Yes wonderful hobby and solace and bandaid and resting place all together...

Rose Marie said...

Love those pink string blocks and the alternate block with the black strip appeals to me greatly. Your sampler quilt is lovely.

Loris said...

Lucky looks quite handsome on his new sampler quilt :-) How fun to have a connection to a long time friend with quilting.
I love the sunflowers! Mine will bloom in another week or so. I planted 3 different varieties. I can't wait to this red one that has many blooms on each branch.
My heart is thinking of your patient. It is good to make choices and I pray hers is blessed with some strong loving people to cherish her.

Julierose said...

Log Cabins are such versatile blocks aren't they? I love your pink blocks:)))
I am partial (at least right now haha) to the Courthouse Steps--thinking of our up coming elections--and trying to stay hopeful...
I am picking fabrics for one while I rest my arms/shoulder/hands after machine quilting 3 quilts....
We are so lucky to have our hobbies during stressful times and heatwaves....Stay cool hugs, Julierose

Sherrill said...

You've got some pretty pinks going on (and kitty deserves his own quilt! LOL). I'd do the same as your patient if I was diagnosed with cancer..when your hubby has already been gone 12 years and one son and one granddaughter (the only one) haven't spoken to you in over 5 years, what's to live for? It is what it is...

Nann said...

The sampler is terrific. The cat has good taste. I like the idea of alternate blocks with the pink log cabins.

liferecipes said...

I am so proud of your cancer patient! My mother was on her fourth round of throat cancer 36 years ago and knew further rounds of chemo just weren't going to help her. On the third round she was so weak she fell and broke her hip. In those days the research showed that after two rounds of throat cancer, the patient was usually a goner anyway. She was inoperable and couldn't have anymore radiation becuase she really needed those neck vertebrae. So she decided to live out the rest of her life in joy. I hated losing her when I was only 38, but some choices in life just aren't fun. My mother didn't really have much choice after all.

Your patient is being so very brave! Hats off to her! I hope her family, friends and community all are there for her when her going gets really tough. Life is so very precious and each day is a gift. We aren't measured by what we do, but by who we truly are.

Jennifer Alex said...

wow, it is amazing

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

your sampler is beautiful!! All those blocks looke so great together!!!
and your pink string blocks - Yummy!!!

liz said...

Love reading your post. Thank you for taking the time to write
BTW love the log cabin blocks : )

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...