Monday, September 26, 2022

My green string quilt is actually quilted, at long last!  Hurrah!  

I used a scrappy binding, of all different green; pieces I have saved for years.

I bound it on the machine!!  To save time, and to get it in the hands of someone who needs it...I applied the binding on the back, brought it around to the front, and sewing carefully, topstitching along the inner edge of the binding.  Turned out very well, to my delight!!

Here is my binding pile to start with.

I used this tool to roll it up neatly, and wow!  It rolled off so easily and nicely.  

 I liked this tool!!

**********************Nurse's Notes*********************

Well, here is my big news.  After 27 years in one hospital, all in cardiac, and 6 years in another...a mixed bag, but mostly cardiac.... I am quitting my job.  Rather, I am moving to another unit in the attached hospital.  I am going from open heart surgery recovery to hospice.  They are also orienting me to oncology, as well, because I am sure to float there at time.  Why such a drastic change????

Well!!  About 5 years ago, a new nurse came here from Houston.  She was a very loud, outspoken person, a true bully, and she just thought she knew everything there is to know about nursing. And doctoring...she regularly corrects the doctors. (they laugh at her).   She has banded together a band of followers self-called the "Bad Ass Bitches."  They are gossipers, backbiters, and just atrocious.  They have run off three other nurses...and guess what?  They ran me off too!  Every single day, I am run down, maligned, talked about, reported to my boss...for nothing.  Now understand that I am an excellent nurse...certified in my specialty, nearly completed with my master's degree, and have excellent rapport with all the docs and my patients. Moreover, I love my patients!  I am qualified in Impella, Balloon pump, Dialysis, open heart recovery, TAVR recovery, Vent support...and I am the charge nurse.  I don't call in and I don't be lazy at work.  

I just made up my mind that I am not going to put up with that anymore.  She runs the show there...and runs people off for fun and giggles with her group.

So, I decided I can fight her...administration did nothing...or I could leave.  So?  I left!!  Funny how the bosses begged me to stay, after allowing all of this torture to all of us go on forever! 

 And I am very excited about being the very best hospice nurse I can!  I also am keeping my toe in the water with ICU care...going to float to ICU and CCU sometimes, to keep my skills up.  I am delighted to be starting a new nursing adventure!  I had hoped to retire from my unit, but it became so toxic, I just could not cry another tear, or try and be friends another minute, or fight anymore.  I am a gentle person, and I think I am following God's path for me, right to Hospice.

So, I appreciate you all bearing with me.  I have been so stressed for months as I struggled with what to do, and I am so behind in answering any comments and correspondence.  Forgive me...I will do better now that this burden has been lifted from me. I have already worked through my month notice...I was only required to give two weeks, but I gave my boss an entire month.  I have already started my new job!

That is my big news!!!

Hope you have a lovely day!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations and you made a wise decision to give your new patients the best care without the annoying bully watching over you. Hospice seems to be a perfect fit for you from all your past nurses notes in how you feel about patients. Life is too short to work with people so petty and shallow that act like that so glad you can finish your working years in a better environment. Kathy

Janet O. said...

I am so glad you were able to walk away from that toxic environment, after all attempts to make it work did not pan out. You are such a caring nurse, and you will be excellent in Hospice. Too bad there isn't some magical way to screen out toxic personalities from even getting into nursing school. Wouldn't that be nice? ;)
Your green string quilt is really vibrant and fun. The binding looks really nice. I don't have much luck making machine binding look that good.

Sherrill said...

That's terrible that you've had to put up with that for so long with NO support from admin! They're just lucky you're staying at their hospital and I KNOW you'll be a fantastic hospice nurse (even though I'm sure it's the HARDEST job). I had DH home on hospice for the last 3 1/2 weeks of his life and his 'crew' was so caring. His nurse was usually a pediatric hospice nurse (I canNOT imagine doing that!!) and one special thankful for them during such a difficult time.

Annie said...

Julie, I echo everyone’s comments, and am so pleased you made the decision you did! After all those years in Cardiac at the same hospital, I know it took great strength to recognize that a change was in order and act on it! As I’ve said, you will still be healing “hearts,” just the emotional ones of your patients and their families now as they navigate this stage of life. Annie

Lori said...

I do not understand why hospitals or clinics keep these types of people! They have cronies so they don't get bullied. I'm so sorry. That had to have been extremely stressful.
You have such a caring heart that hospice will suit you. XOXO

Kristy said...

Julie- I am so glad you have made the change. It sounds like it was past time to do it! I hope you will be a huge blessing to the hospice unit and the families that you will help as well. You are a very special person and they are very lucky to get you! Glad you got your string quilt finished. I am cutting blocks right now and almost ready to sew them together. Yay! Hope you have a good day. K-

ButterZ said...

Good on you. I am so happy for you and I do wish you well in the new position. I am a lot happier too.
A change can be just what the doctor ordered…….

cityquilter grace said...

great news...sounds like a thoughtful and wise move...sad for the patients tho...good cardiac nurses are worth their weight in gold....and the green scrappy is beautiful!

Louise SS said...

Good for you! I think you made the right decision! Good luck on your new job!

Julierose said...

Good for you--there is no earthly reason to withstand this garbage heaped upon you every day!! You made the right decision. Why is that the worst voices are the only ones heard??? It is
amazing how one person can rally a band of followers doing evil and getting away with it.(sound familiar to our political climate right now?).
Best of luck with your new job--hugs and good thoughts Julierose

Binsa said...

Glad you have moved out of that toxic environment Julie. I know you are a gentle soul and kind hearted.So sorry you had to put up with that.Shame on admin for not doing the right thing.Love your string quilt.

Chantal said...

Bravo! You are the bigger person just by not stooping down to her level. Bravo! for taking care of yourself. No job is worth this kind of anguish. I left my job with the children because of such a person. After three years, she is still there and hasn't changed one bit, making everyone miserable. I have no regret. I am working to my full potential in this new job, helping people who lost their jobs and have no more employment insurance. They feel so destitute and scared. It's so rewarding to give them hope and some dignity again. I'm glad I switch departments. Enjoy your new job. Enjoy your freedom to be out of her toxic web. Wonderful quilt too. ;^)

Rose Marie said...

That will be such a change but you will bring many years of nursing and kindness to patients and families in a time of great need. Enjoy your new job.

Vicki W said...

I'm so glad you are making a change to get you away from a department of bullies! There's no winning with those types unless you have the energy and time to fight them with their own nastiness. I think you will be an outstanding hospice nurse with your genuine caring heart.

Jeanne said...

Best wishes for this new exciting chapter! You have the heart of a true nurse!

Linda Swanekamp said...

You know, I left teaching early. I was a great art teacher and loved the students. I unfortunately moved to a middle school because I thought it would be physically easier (leaning over little ones was taxing on my 5'8" frame). I was bullied by the teachers and the students. I would sit and cry in my car before school, praying that I could make it and be a light. They wore me down and I early retired. I am so glad you have a new opportunity. Having family members who benefitted greatly from Hospice, you are making a valuable contribution in your work.

Phyllis said...

Good for you! There are a lot of us who have been in similar situations and chose to move on. Sad that this happened and even sadder that the powers that be can't see what is going on. Best wishes to you. You will be awesome!!.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Dealing with a toxic work space wears a person down, mentally, physically, and spiritually. You will be an excellent hospice nurse! Best wishes.

Brenda said...

Change is always hard, but you did the right thing for you. Take care and know that there a lot of people that appreciate all you have done for them.

dianne said...

my mom's hospice nurse was an incredible blessing and i thank Spirit that she was there for us ... thank you for the help that you will give, and bless your heart

Unknown said...

Hospice care is so empowering. You are constantly using your assessment skills and therapeutic communication skills. You are using your eyes and hands and ears. No longer chasing down labs. Inpatient hospice is NOT slow paced--your cardiac years (decades...) will have you ready for this!
But, a warning, toxic work conditions can creep into hospice care too.
I had the best team every in my career in hospice care. And I had awful experiences too.
The beauty and super-power of being nurses as long as we have is we know we do not need to stay in bad situations.
We are valuable and need to be valued.

Lynn Dykstra said...

That was me in the above comment!

Shepherdess55 said...

Now I understand why you haven't been posting as often. I know from personal experience that when one area of our lives isn't going well, it spreads to the rest by draining us of energy on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels. By the end of your post I could sense the relief because the stress was coming to an end. I'm so happy for you to read of the new position. You'll be a great hospice nurse as it requires a great deal of compassion which is something you have in abundance.

I think your string quilt is lovely. Green was an appropriate choice since it associated with harmony, growth, health and renewal. I finish most of my quilts' bindings the very way you did this one.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you changed jobs. No one should have to deal with that from co-workers. I hope that you enjoy your new position and duties. Take care.

loulee said...

Your green strings look fantastic.
What a great wee gadget.

Loris said...

WOW! Big news! Came upon my first bully nurse when I moved to the central coast and then found a crazy manager. I stayed home for 10 months and then started driving 2 hours a way to work at a different hospital. Fortunately it was a great working environment and I recovered and could eventually return to the area but in a different department. Sometimes things just can't be changed when crazy power has been set in. I'm so glad you found a way to continue on without it! I was so impressed with the hospice nurses helping me years ago with my mom. I was working ER and considered looking into it ...except it involved a lot of driving since it was all home care in our rural area and that didn't spark joy for me.
You have so much to offer. It will give back in many ways. God bless you for hanging in there with such a beautiful pursuit!

MissPat said...

Well, I guessed wrong (thought you were going to retire), but this is good news, too. It takes a very special person to do hospice care and I'm sure you have what it takes. I also hope you had an exit interview and shared your reasons for transferring. The kind of environment you described is not good for either patients or staff. Big decisions are stressful. I'm glad you kept sewing to help relieve some of the stress.

Katie said...

Congratulations! The fact that you were able to change areas speaks well of your skills and I hope this new area is a happier, healthier place for you. I know the battle you've fought and wouldn't wish it on, not even the ones causing it. It's good you had quilting at home to unwind and I'm sure this change will make that more enjoyable ke as well. Good luck in the new position, though I'm sure you don't really need it!

Kyle said...

You'll be a wonderful hospice nurse. You have an incredible heart.

RuthW in MD said...

That green quilt is so very pretty! That binding wheel looks very interesting. Good luck with your new hospice care job. Small comfort - often after the "good people" leave, the bullies start working on each other...

Carol C. said...

You will be a wonderful hospice nurse, and the patients and families will be so blessed to have you caring for them!!

Quilting Babcia said...

Being in hospice care is a special calling, a ministry, and you will be perfect in your new position. Blessings to you.

Deborah said...

So sad to hear what you have endured at work but good for you for setting boundaries and I pray your new position will be just what you needed. I am sure it will be for your patients. Sadly your work situation is not unique.

swooze said...

I’m sorry for what you had to endure and that it changed your retirement plans. I’m aghast that management didn’t take care of it. Good luck in your new role.

Elle said...

We don't leave jobs. We leave managers. Your manager deserves what she/he is getting. 4 good RNs gone!

Congrats on feeling good about your change!

nestki said...

Julie, I had been worried about you. You hadn’t written nurse’s notes in a long time. I am so glad you escaped that situation. A similar situation happened at one of the schools where I worked. New teacher, poorly educated, just came out of banking, ran all the other teachers off. I lasted the longest; I waited until the school year was over. Next year, she had all the responsibility, couldn’t hack it, left the administration holding the bag right at the last minute! I was shocked because I had never met anyone like that before, but only heard rumors, and read “Dilbert.” I guess people like that show up in every profession. Welcome back. Hospice is so lucky to have you!

Cathy said...

Good for you, Julie! Maybe the number of exiting nurses will become a red flag to prompt HR or someone to do something. I know you’ll do great in your new area! Best wishes to you!!

Stephanie D said...

Oh, Julie, I am so glad you got out from that horrible situation! I haven't been by lately, because of circumstances here, so I'm late to the game, BUT I am doing a happy dance for you! I have had to leave toxic situations before, and the absence of that kind of stress adds years to your life. You'll wonder why you didn't leave sooner.

I LOVED hospice! The last 4 years of my nursing career were spent in inpatient hospice, and it was like coming home. I should have made the switch sooner, but it was such a cut in pay, I had to be in the right place in my life before I could do it.

Hugs to you for what you've endured, and high five for changing to hospice!

Nancy said...

Nursing is such a hard job. It's too bad nurses make it harder for other nurses instead of supporting each other. So, congratulations on your move! My sister was a hospice nurse for many years and loved it. You will be a great hospice nurse!

Anonymous said...

Love the green quilt.... My girls favourite greens......
OMG what news........ Such a huge decision..... Amazing how mean crappy people just keep getting away with it.......I am so pleased your moving and I wish your all the best in your new to role....... The way you write about people I think you will be perfect there...... Great idea to keep your skills up with ICU......
Work stress can have such a huge effect on your life.....

Paula said...

I'm Paula from Colorado, I have been blogging for a while now, and today I felt like I should share my story because I was a victim too. I had endometriosis and herpes virus for 18 years and I never thought I would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms I had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage, and it was a serious issue. Furthermore, I got to know about Dr. Itua on a Blog Site who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and gave her contact details, I contacted Dr. Itua, and he actually confirmed it and I decided to give it a try too and use his herbal medicine. That was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this December, and I am grateful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Disease… Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Liver Inflammatory, Diabetes, Fibroid, Get Your Ex Back,  If you have (A just reach his on ( or order herbs from his herbs store can also advise you on how to handle some marital issues. He's a good man. 

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...