Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Churn dash along and my monthly mini

I finished my churn dash quilt...this is an update for Chooky.

I made a few mini quilts this month.  I machine stippled them, and that was fun and fast!

 Zander's Quilt is looking different...not sure if I will keep the outside border or not.  I am trying to use what I have; you know???  I absolutely want to showcase those half square triangles.

Hope each of you is doing great!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

This is Zander's quilt!


I am making progress!  Onward!!  This quilt was inspired by the half square triangles, which were a gift from a dear friend.

The neutral has tiny grape clusters featured in the print.  A dearly loved goat friend, (Zander), loved grapes, and the owner of the goat gifted me the fabric.  Thus:   Zander's quilt!

Have a lovely day, each of you!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Slow Sunday stitching

Good morning!!!  I recently re-discovered these blocks.  In an attempt to be spick and span, I put them away, and then I could not find the blocks!!  I found them today...hurrah!!  I put the first three together today.  It is a red and white sampler from Bee in my Bonnet.  

I worked on these blocks.  The strips to make these came from my 2.5 inch strip bin...and I can report that the bin in more full than ever.  Keep going, self!!  I have 35 blocks cut out and ready to go.

I finished hand binding this quilt.  It was made from a donated quilt top.  I had it machine quilted. 

At last the quilting is finished on this little quilt.  Yahoo!  I put it away, not finished...and now it is done, for good.  

 And hand binding is completed on this quilt, also a donated quilt top. All this hand binding is my slow stitching for the week.  I am linking to Kathy, here:

Have you ever experienced a bully?  At work or in school? They go for perceived weaker, kind, quiet people.  People who can make them feel superior, by being mean to them, to make their sorry lives seem better.   I find that these bullied folks are the ones who eventually retaliate, or leave the situation.  Any thoughts on this?

In other news, after a MONTH of 100 degree temps...we had blessed rain.  My lawn is just loving it!

Have a lovely day!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Circle of friends request!!!! And lots of quilts

Good morning!  I found this piece of blue for the first outdoor border on my leader and ender quilt.  Hurrah!  Now to find something for an outside border and call it good!

I took this quilt out of the quilt closet and it really intrigues me.  Very folk art!!!  I think it must be hand quilted.  It is in the line-up for that!!

Wish I had these flowers growing in real life, in my garden!

Sending this one off to the quilter, so that will be fun to get it done.

My friend Mary in Idaho sent a whole bunch of pretty patient pillows!!  These need stuffing and sewing up, but they are so pretty, and so nice to support a nodding head in a chair, or an injured limb, or an IV site, or to brace a surgical incision.  Thank you so much, Mary, of behalf of our patients!!!

I will finish these today.  They are then sent through the "robot" at the hospital that sterilizes before giving them to the patients.  

Nancy in Wyoming sent me socks!!!  WOW!!!  I have very small feet, and it is tough to find socks, except in the kid's section.  Nancy made these for me...and I adore them. Thank you so much!!  I am working on my knitting, so I can knit socks someday.  

I am working on this project!!  Annie, my darling friend near Seattle, sent me some half square triangles.  I immediately was inspired and started working on this quilt, but ran out of the green...working with scraps presents challenges, right?  Annie sent me the rest of her fabric!!  WOW!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

So, Janet in Utah saw this, and she had a green fat quarter...just what I needed of the SAME FABRIC!  What are the odds!  And she sent it to me.  And I AM THE MOST SPOILED WOMAN IN AMERICA, NO DOUBT!



I received an urgent request, from a great friend, and famous quilter.

Please be on the lookout for a fat quarter package of Moda "Indian Summer" by Edyta Sitar.  

She really, really needs it.  Thank you so much!!  Can you check your stashes??



Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Leader and enders coming to a close.

Hurrah!!  My 2021 leader and ender quilt is in one piece!!  Lots of 2.5-inch scraps in this quilt.  It is very busy!!! I chose the blue sashing to try and calm it down a little bit.  

I plan on a blue border, just a small one.  I am delighted to get to this point!  Old time scrappy quilts are my favorite.

 You cannot see him well, but on the crook of this tree is a squirrel taking a nap.  He as just darling.  and in big news!  We got a sprinkle of rain yesterday!  Amazing!!!


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Just a little bit progress while being on call for the hospital

The Churn dash quilt is back from being long arm quilted!  

The binding is attached, but not sewn to the back yet.  I love it, and the whole quilt is much brighter than the pictures.  Thank you, Chook!

 I made a few more of these blocks, and have a bunch more cut out.  Hurrah!!

Hope you are having a good day...I have to go to the hospital now, to take a heart from open heart surgery. Bypass x 5!


Monday, August 1, 2022

Starting a quilt from a gift!

The gift was the half square triangles.  They were so perfectly made, I just HAD to make something from them, stat!  These are the blocks I made from them, so far.  I do not have any more of the green, so I will go shop for a similar green today, so I can continue.  That is the breaks when working with small pieces!!  The half square triangles are sort of purplish, so this may need purple sashings?  hmmmm......that is the fun of things, to figure out what is next! Thank you so much for these! 

 These are the last four leader/ender blocks for my quilt, from last year's challenge.  My 2.5-inch bin did not go down one bit...

It is so hot here, that I am mostly inside these days, except for my morning walks and also to mow the ever crisping lawn.  How are you faring, wherever you are???


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...