Monday, November 29, 2021

A rainbow project approaching the finish line


Good afternoon!  Attention, attention please.  I have gotten this far on my rainbow scrap project...and that is as many blocks as I am making.  So there!  I am sashing it and calling it good!

I am rather please to check another one off my list of to-dos for 2021!!!

How are you doing on your list??


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Just needs a border!

 Good morning, everyone!  

There is a story accompanying this quilt.  My son loves dogs...LOVES them.  He had one in college, (a dingo) and lost that one to illness and age.  They also have a dachshund, who is a joy. is how the story goes.

In a coal mine in West Virginia, there were some explorers, who found, back away from the entrance of the mine...11 puppies!  Ragged and starving little babies, they were rescued! Not sure if they were dumped in there, or something happened to the momma dog.  Turns out they were a Duke's mixture of breeds, (yes, they did DNA testing on their dog!), but American Staffordshire terrier was among the breeds evident.  These puppies, after vet attention and care, were transported up to Maryland, via pickup truck,  to a friend of my son's.  There, one was adopted by my son and DIL. 

This dog, after training and nutrition and much love, has become a nanny dog to my grandson!  His name is Shiner...named because he is the same color as Shiner Bock beer!  I asked my son how he knew that, and he demurred...but anyway, Shiner's story reads right out of a western, to me.  Coal mines, and pickup trucks!!!

So when I saw this quilt, I just  had to make it for my grandson.  I will put a cute dog fabric border around it, to make it a bit bigger.  You can find the pattern here:

I hope you have a great day!


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Plaid Strings and Hearts is a wrap!


Good morning!  I started out to make a plaid string quilt...then I immensely enjoyed appliquéing heart with plaids...Then I though maybe a dark background would be better for some of the hearts...and here I am!!!

I still have to add a border to the quilt, which I do not have.  I do believe this quilt to be unique...all my thoughts rolled into it.  That blue plain row fabric is a surgical top that I cut apart, after being all used up as a garment.  

I am trying really hard to finish up some things so I can start the mystery quilt in two days!  Quiltville mystery, here I come!


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Easily distractible!

Good morning to everyone!!!  I have been working on this quilt...well, cutting pieces out for this quilt.  I sewed the block below.  I use only scraps for this, so it takes some hunting to find pieces, sometimes. 

Purple!  I just love it!!  and lavender, too. There will be twenty blocks in total.

 I pulled out the 1930's sampler and made these two blocks, in the middle of the night.  

So, I have made a little progress!!!

Hope you all are doing well.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"The Spider and the Fly"

Hello to all!!!  I have been so, so busy, yet have not got a lot of quilting stuff to show for my efforts. I have been doing a ton of cutting of projects.   Above is my favorite, favorite applique quilt, so I got the top layered with batting and backing, and I will work on the hand quilting in the evenings.
I have also been working on my "Spider and the Fly" quilt top.  Above are some of the blocks...
And here is my progress so far!!!  This is great fun!!!
I have had some dryer troubles.  I cannot believe I had trouble with is only 30 + years old!  LOL!

It is a Maytag, after all.  Maybe it will last forever!  

So it is all put back together again with a new belt, tensioning arm, and those round rollers there, and it works like a dream!  We did have problems getting new parts, so I used my washer and rigged up a clothesline in the backyard. (Supply chain problems for the parts)  I am so spoiled to have a washer and many use the laundromat or have nothing.  Spoiled, I tell you!!

Oh yes...well, I stepped on a needle.  No harm done, but I am grateful it was me and not my dear hubby or dear poodle dog.  Must be more careful...

I am all caught up on medical testing, delayed for years due to covid and my own denial of any mortality, LOL!  I have some things I can improve, and others came out just wonderfully!

I hope each of you is having a lovely day!



Monday, November 8, 2021

Humble quilts quit along

Good morning!  I was making block units for Lori (of Humble quilts) quilt along.  I made all the little pieces, and somehow they wanted to become a star.  Several times the pieces arranged themselves into this little quilt, and so I went with it.  Please see all the little quilts here:

I have made several little coin purses, and will give them to fellow nurses, to keep in their pockets.

 And I embroidered this little fall quilt during church yesterday.  There are some benefits to on-line church, and one of them is sewing as I listen!!!  This was originally posted by Kathy, who blogs here:

Have a lovely day, each of you!


Sunday, November 7, 2021

A deep breath!

Good morning, everyone!  I am off work today...a day of peace and on line church and laundry.  And grocery shopping!  EXCEPT!  My dryer is in a zillion pieces all over everywhere.  It was making a screeching noise, and bumps and funny sounds.  So, dear hubby took it apart, and there it is.  We have ordered parts, but they are not I guess I can line dry my clothes, which is just fine.

Above is maybe my signature quilt. I have made a few of these, in this pattern, all of plaids.  This is my favorite pattern for strings in all the world!  I just love it, and it was my header quilt for many years.  I just had this one machine quilted, for it has been sitting too long, waiting to be hand quilted.  Funny thing is, is was quilted by a lady that I knew when she was 2  years old, and I was born.  We are not exactly related, but mom and her mom raised us together. My sister married her dad's brother.  She and I both raised sheep together and sewed in 4-H.  I have reconnected with her, and she is retired, and now is machine quilting for others!  

So I delighted to have this quilt, quilted by her!  She is just learned how to do this, and this was a perfect practice piece for her, and she did a great job.

Bonnie Hunter has a very cool quilt pattern out, and you can get it here.  I am making good progress on my version!!/Spider-&-The-Fly-Digital-Pattern/p/392035469/category=0

Annie sent me a recipe for pumpkin spice snickerdoodle cookies.  Oh my, are they ever good!  If you would like to try the recipe, it is below.  Dear hubby loves them! 

 The original recipe is from Karin, at the Lovin' Life At The End Of The Dirt Road (  Annie varied it just a tiny bit, but let me tell you...these ladies know how to bake!!!  YUM!

Please take a moment and go see Karin's blog...she is an amazing lady, a lovely quilter, and a hard working ranch wife.  It is fun to see what she is up to!


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Progress, and audiology testing

Good morning, everyone!!  Or good afternoon....I guess it is afternoon, here.  I made this quilt of valor two rows wider and longer. than the original picture showed, and I just have four more seams to go and will call it good!!  I am glad to reach this goal, this year.  I think the original quilt used bigger pieces of fabric; my pieces are three inch finished.

 I was waiting for a border fabric to go on this little applique quilt.  A lady wanted me to have a bag of scraps, and this fabric was in the bag.  So there!  I am glad it was the perfect thing, to me.  There was not enough of it, so I needed to add the corner stones.  I will hand quilt this one, so into the closet it goes to age properly.  Haha!

Lori of Humble Quilts has carpal tunnel.  Me too!  I think a lot of us anti-inflammatories, splints, rest, and ice are the go to thing.  I went to a hand surgeon who was silly in every way, talking about himself, and never even examined my I will find another surgeon!!!  Hope this problem does not come to surgery.

I went to the audiologist for a baseline hearing is 100%.  Yahoo!

Hope you are doing great today!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...