Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Can you believe it is almost the Fourth of July?  WOW!!!  This is my mini quilt of the month.  
I found the book I have been searching for; a book that had real life descriptions and recipes and wisdom from the depression era!!  This one is just wonderful!!  I highly recommend it, if you are interested in the era.  I continue to read and study every night about causes, effects and life during that time.  Just so interesting to me, as I love history.  

Speaking of the fourth, I have this quilt out...I truly love it.  A quilt along with Lori of Humble quilts, it was truly a labor of love.  Seems I should display and use it during this time of the year!

 Have you seen this book?  A sampler quilt book, and I think it is the next thing in the Moda Blockheads series...a very fun sampler book.  Amazon is just toooooo convenient, don't you think?  I have too much going to start right now, but who knows?  

Have a lovely day, each of you!


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Slow stitching Sunday

Happy Sunday to everyone, or Monday in Australia! I have been working on these colorful, solid colored fabric blocks.  I love making them!  Just super fun, easy sewing.

Years ago, a very elderly local lady was cleaning out her flannels, and gave me a stack of flannels, because she was taking them to Goodwill, and she mentioned that maybe I would want them, instead.   I cut them into pieces for these blocks, and have started piecing them.  This should turn out to be a warm quilt, for a gentleman. She told me to make comfort quilts from the flannels, and so I am.  

 I hand quilted this morning, a bit.  You can see the stitches in the cheddar colored fabric.  That was great fun!!

I am linking to Kathy, for slow stitching, here:  

Kathy's Quilts: Slow Sunday Stitching (kathysquilts.blogspot.com)

Have a great day, all of you!


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Moda Solids Sampler Quilt

Hello everyone!  I had an unexpected off day today (on call for the hospital).  I did not get called in, so I finished all the blocks for this solid colored fabric sampler.  I had them all cut out, and the sewing took about 30 minutes per block.  A good day off work!
I am bordering this Funky Fiesta Flowers quilt, using strings.  I tried multiple fabrics, but the quilt said it wanted strings.  

These quilts can get quite persistent in what they want!!!

Have a great day, everyone!



Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Using up those solid colored fabrics!

Good morning, everyone!!!  I am using up my solid colored fabrics, by making a sampler.  This is a Moda sampler, but since I am just making my blocks based on a picture, it is tough to direct you to a link!!  I have twenty blocks cut out.  I still have solid fabrics left over!!!
I am also making this block.  It is from a 2016 Quiltmaker Bonnie Hunter block pattern...but I had the pattern from long ago.  What was old is new again!!  These take five minutes to sew each quarter of a block. (providing all the blocks are cut out and ready to go!)  Fast and fun...and I STILL have a few solid fabrics, LOL!!
And one more doggie!!!  Lime green...a new breed.  The newest thing...I am sure you will see them at the dog parks soon, LOL!

 My hubby found this during his clean out and reorganization of the garage.  It came with his father's tool box.  I believe it to be a key, possibly for a prison cell block?  It weighs a ton, and it about 6 inches long.  So interesting!  How did it come to be in a tool box that has not been opened for 40 years? 

Does anyone know anything about this object?

Have a great day, each of you!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Solid fabrics

Good morning to everyone!!!  I have been really enjoying seeing a solid colored fabric quilt come into being on Bonnie Hunter's blog!!!   I have a little stack of solid colored fabrics that I have been wondering what to do with for a while.  I already had this pattern, from long ago,  (I think from my mom) and also NOW I HAVE A SPECIAL RULER to help make these blocks!   They are just coming together like a breeze!!!  

Please go see Bonnie's quilt here, and I will bet you she will be offering a pattern for this one!!!!  Hers is just so pretty!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Borders It Is! (And FREE SHIPPING!)  Isn't that so fresh and pretty??????  

 I also got another doggie sewed.  Blue heeler...must be!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...