Sunday, July 21, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching and Dear Jane

 Sunday...a day off for me.  How about you?  I finished all but two hearts in the above applique piece. I found some new needles that are fantastic!  Nanette, at Do It Right quilter, mentioned that I might want to try some new needles...I told her that I used needles I had bought at Walmart on sale, LOL, and that is gospel truth!!  What I didn't tell her is that I have used the same needles over and over again for years, carefully saving them in my pin keep.   My new ones are just amazing!  Thin, titanium ones...they thread easily and glide through the fabric like magic.

They are Tulip needles; made in Japan.  I was amazed at what a difference they made.

I am linking to Kathy, see above.

I am making one Dear Jane block per week, every Sunday.  Here is the one for today, almost done.  These finish at 4.5 inch finished. Tiny buddies!!!

Please see the following blogs below...all in different stages of construction.  NO rules...join in if you like and let us know, and we will link to you each Sunday.

Lcrrkhs:   Kathleen

And see this blog...

This blog is very helpful in giving hints for each Dear Jane block construction.

ON WE GO!!!!

*********************Nurse's Notes***********************

I had only one patient yesterday.  He was a cardiac bypass and a valve patient, and his surgery was over 12 hours long.  This was day two for him.  I got him out of bed, (read lifted took three of us), and fed him, medicated him, managed 14 drips (no kidding!), managed pain, took care of chest tubes and urinary catheters and pacer wires and external heart pacer and swan ganz catheter and central line and drains and lots more!   joked with him and generally took care of him.  His wife?  A darling lady, and guess what?  SHE WAS A QUILTER, AND A NURSE TOO!!  So we generally had a lovely and wonderful day.  What a darling couple...married 52 years.  WOW!!!  I am so blessed to love my job and get to care for these amazing people.


Sunday tends to be a catch up day for me, services, then laundry, grocery shopping, etc.  I love my slow stitching time too!

Have a great week, everyone!!!



Chantal said...

It's a catch-up time for me too. Today, I caught up on my ZZZZs, lol. Gosh! It feels good to nap in the afternoon when it's this hot. (read not use to this) It'll be hard tomorrow at work not to snooze a little in the afternoon. Your block looks great. Enjoy the slow process. ;^)

Theresa Morgan said...

Nurses are the BEST!!!!! Compassionate, caring,understanding, tolerant and have a heart of GOLD. I know, my bff is one💖💖💖.

Karen said...

I have heard that Tulip needles are good but never think to look for them. Must remember.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love the angels! Great going on Dear Jane. I got help from the Dear Jane group on Yahoo Grroups years ago

Kyle said...

Loved your needle story. You need to treat yourself to a new one now and then.😊

Binsa said...

Julie, we always have a favourite needle heh.. loved seeing your block hugs lyn

Created by Kathi said...

Hey Julie.... I am a retired critical care nurse... your story rang sooo true to me and when you think you are at the end of your rope you get thrown a great bone like "she is a quilter and a nurse too"!!! How awesome :)
I love the piece you are finishing the applique hearts on and glad you found new needles that help with the applique to be more fun :)
Enjoy your dear Jane block and hope your sunday was restful and relaxing...
From one critical care nurse to another... be good to you!

Sarah said...

Love your angel appliqué project. I'm a bit like you I rarely buy sewing needles though I do buy lots of sewing machine needles! Nice story about your bypass patient. I'm a retired surgical nurse and I know lots of us quilt. Keep up the good work!

cityquilter grace said...

thanks for the info on tulip a karen kay buckley workshop she recommended them for applique and so that's what i use but was wondering about other types...

Carole~Quilter on the hill said...

Tulip needles are great - I've used them for Sashiko. Thanks for the DJ inspiration, I've finished a block!

Lori said...

New needles make all the difference in the world! Glad you updated!!!

Loris said...

Yay, for your new needles! Tools definitely make a difference. Your Sunday sounds like mine :-) I got to sew a few minutes too and enjoyed a nice walk with my sister and neighbor. I have completed making all the half square triangles and I'm sewing parts of the blocks together now. Time with my machine is so delightful. I hope your patient gets his strength back quickly. Sounds like he has great support.

Randy D. said...

Your little quilt is just adorable.
Can't believe you've been using the same needles (from Wal-Mart, no less) for so long!
Will have to check out those Japanese needles. Thanks for the link.

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