Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day off!

 Wheww!  Off work today...and catching up!  Above is a little needle case I made...machine quilted fabric that I quilted on my Bernina, then wool applique, then added little scissor pocket and pin cushion.
 The inside...
 The piece of quilted fabric that I made was too long, so the cut off piece became a book mark.  That is an 1/8 inch binding..
 I sandwiched this little quilt and quilted the borders in straight lines, to that I could bind it and quilt the triangles by hand when I have a spare moment.  Just trying to make some progress, any progress will do, LOL!
And thanks to friends, I came up with enough pastels strings to finish the middles of the String X blocks.  The pattern is a free one, and is on Quiltville, under the free patterns section.  Thank you, Bonnie...I must have made twenty or more Bonnie about you???

**************************Nurse's Notes**************************

Praying especially for one older fella patient...undergoing his fourth lung surgery for cancer...hopefully this is the last one and the cure!!!

Praying for all my co-workers...we are a mixed bag of nuts, and many of us have been at our hospital for many, many for over 40 years!! We come from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Latin American, Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, China, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan, Kenya...and on, and on, and on!!  And India...beautiful girls from India...Lots of other places too.  I think each nurse/aide/secretary/tech lends something special and unique to her (or his) care of our patients!!

Praying for peace...just want peace on Earth and good will toward all men!!  Don't like the news lately!!


Hey, I forgot about the drawing for the book!!!  so, Mary of Quilt were randomly chosen to win the book from a couple weeks back...I will send you an e-mail and let you know and get your addie...

Please stay tuned for some giveaways coming up, as I am still sorting and organizing.

Have a great day, everyone!!



Chantal said...

What a lovely little needle case. I am glad you had the day off ... I think you were due. Nurses work way too hard for the little recognition and thanks they get. Thank you all nurses out there.
And thank you Julie for sharing.

Vic in NH said...

Your needle case is a dear and I love the little lavender quilt-to-go, too! I only have made half a dozen of Bonnie's quilts but I love them all, LOL!

Mary Ann said...

Beautiful work. Coming to the area soon to see my Daddy. What quilt shops to you suggest?

Sharon said...

What a cute needlecase! I love BH's patterns, I'm on the 4th Bloomin' Pineapples, this time in green/creams. Yeah! to all the nurses, and I agree, news is the pits lately.

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful projects as always! Beautiful little purple mini quilt!

Lilac Joan said...

I haven't made twenty Bonnie quilts yet, but I am working on it. I am in the middle of making the quilt at the top of your blog. I just love it. I sew one hour each morning before seven o'clock. Only time there are no interruptions--and I live with just my grown son. But four dogs and a cat. And don't forget the telephone, email, and facebook. Too long a comment, but want you to know that I enjoy your blog: the quilts and the nurse news, too.

Missy Shay said...

I am in the process of my my first Bonnie quilt, I think I have been working on it for a year now! The scrappy trip around the world

Janet O. said...

Cute, cute needlecase!
Love the little HST quilt with PURPLE border and binding!! : )
I have 6 Bonnie quilts at various stages of finished (or not). She is the reason I began blogging. Bought one of her books online, saw her blog reference--and the rest is history!

Lesley said...

Looks like you had a wonderful day off!

Barb said...

You have been busy.....

love the needle case

Lori said...

What fun projects, Julie!!

Nancy said...

I share your prayer - when will mankind realize that to survive and thrive we must be civil to each other!

ellen stone said...

Love the Needle Case. I will keep you and your patients and do-workers in my prayers. Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Oncology Nurse Practitioner.

Kim said...

From your lips to God's ear....please let us have peace on earth and respect for every person.

Happy Sewing, love your projects :0)
how large is your needle case?

Pam said...

It is nice to have a day off to just putter away at whatever moves you! Very cute little needle case!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...