Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Autumn Equinox! (Celtic Solstice)

 Finale!  I just added a black, plain border...and am calling this one done.    I like that the solid black is not a plaid...it is not stretchy, and maybe that will give the whole quilt a little stability.  I even have a backing ready, whoohoo!!
 The finished quilt...I am surprised that Rosie the poodle is not in the middle of this picture.
And...I had a few leftover units.  So, I made a little candle mat, and surrounded it with flying geese.  I still have a couple little bits and pieces left over, but I think I will put them in the orphan bin for now.

**********************Nurse's notes*****************************

I had a heart yesterday.  A fresh post op heart, right from surgery...valve and bypass patient.  I really love these patients...a little unstable, a challenge.  He is up in the chair eating breakfast today, 12 hours after surgery. (I called to check on him)  Love that!!


Have a great day, everyone!!



Vicki W said...

It's so pretty!

Leeanne said...

Pretty, the extra block would make a cool label for the back too!

Suzy said...

Gorgeous! Don't you just love Bonnie's quilt patterns? Mystery or not, she never disappoints. Great job done! :o)

berylthepearl said...

Beautiful, and you are so fast!

Ellen said...

Love it! Makes me want to make a second one using your colour scheme.

Teresa said...

The perfect choice. Very nice quilt and will be a joy to display during the Fall season!

Kim said...

Oh Wow nicely done! this is so pretty! The black border sets it all off just perfectly!

My daughter has been visiting so I have not had a lot of sewing time since before Christmas.
I can't wait to get back to it!

Happy Sewing

Patty H. said...

Love the quilt!

Nancy said...

I agree that the black border is perfect: it allows the eye to rest and admire the rest of the quilt. Nicely done!

FabricandFlowers said...

Beautiful finish! Congrats on getting it done.

Strength and continued healing to your heart patient.

Anonymous said...

Yep...like it!

Janet O. said...

It's a winner, Julie!
Isn't it fun to make little quilts with the leftovers? Very cute. : )

Helen in the UK said...

Woo hoo a finished flimsy! The plain black is perfect as a final border. Do you have enough orange left to be binding? To me that would be the perfect finish. Love it :)

Ruth said...

It's stunning! It's amazing how bonnie's quilts come together. I'm planning to start one from her Scraps & Shirttails soon.

Karen said...

It looks fabulous. Hoping mine turns out as well. Love your colors.

Nann said...

The colorway for your CS looks like a real tile floor. Very nice!

Raewyn said...

It is gorgeous! I love the FG border, it finishes it off so well.

Mary Ann said...

Pretty! I still have the borders to add to mine. Nice to hear about a heart doing well. As I work in Blood Bank I know about all the hearts. And now we are doing TAVR's too.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It is so pretty, Julie, you're right about that black border... just perfect! And your backing is ready? Wow; you're on a roll. Congratulations! Happy New Year~

Megan said...

Fabulous achievement Julie. Love your choice of fabrics and I think you've made a wonderful choice for the final border.

Sydney, Australia

LuAnn said...

Oh wow. I love your Celtic Solstice in Autumn colors. The little appliqué flowers are just too cute. You always have the vast projects.

LuAnn said...

Well I meant best projects. LOL.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...