Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Endless Possibilities!

 Well, I am focusing on finishing this Log Cabin quilt, and here is the setting.  I still have lots of piecing to do!  But mostly, it is done.  Just need to put the whole thing together.
Then, I got to thinking...what if I used string blocks instead?  A whole new look!!  Thus the title of this post, "Endless Possibilities!"   There may be a quilt of both ideas coming!

*****************Nurse's Notes***********************

Update on the lady!!  (from last post)..

I decided that if I could not help this lady, who would not do anything to help herself, I would at least find out why she refused to do anything, anything at all to help herself!!  Three weeks now, she has been at the hospital. Bound for the nursing home...but maybe not!!

I went in, shut the door, and made her, MADE her tell me what was wrong!!  I would not leave until I found out what in the world was her deal!!  After a long, long time...she told me that her husband had kicked her out of the house, and she was living with friends and family.  She just felt like she did not have a reason to keep on fighting, keep on living.  At last, at least...we knew.  She talked, and talked, and talked, and cried and cried.  And guess what?  Last Saturday when I worked, she sat up on the side of her bed!!  Sunday she stood at the side of the bed.  Monday she walked with a walker to the door!!  And when I left last shift...she was walking, ever so slowly, in the hall, with physical therapy.  Hurrah!!!  Maybe we all just need to get it out let it out, those pains and hurts that immobilize us!!!

I am so grateful and thankful that she is healing, inside and out...

Now she is going to rehab, not the nursing home!!




Quilter Kathy said...

What a fantastic story to go with the "endless possibilities" helped a stuck person to see that she had possibilities. And the blocks are FAB!!

Libby said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear you were persistent and that the lady opened up to you...endless possibilities for sure :-)

Terry said...

What a great story about your lady patient! Sometimes it's so hard for people to talk about their problems, but holding them inside never does any good.

Jean said...

Julie,You are a very special nurse to take the time to get the full story.There are so many hurting people in this world. We need a lot more caring people like you. Every day we have an opportunity to help someone, even if it is with our quilting.

Robert said...

Healing comes when you can get those bad feeling all out and to have someone listen to guide that person. You are special.

Great blocks, how big are the blocks? (Always curious.) From northern Iowa . . . .

Jan said...

You are a very special nurse to take time with your patients. I'm sure that was a turning point for that lady. You are a blessing to her.
I like your block with the strings in it!

Judy said...

You are a treasure!

pcflamingo said...

Patient persistence pays off! Well done.

Helen in the UK said...

When I saw the title of this post and the first picture I thought... oh no, Julie has got distracted by a different project!! How different those log cabins look when set with the geese. This is going to be so special when you've done it - I can hardly wait to see :)

On the nursing front - what a special lady you are to persevere with your patient and get to the real route of the matter. I'm delighted to hear she is now on the mend. Maybe she needed to find someone special like you to turn that corner in her life and head towards a new beginning :)

audrey said...

Love the first setting, but the second setting looks great too. So many great ways to do things! Glad you were able to get through to the patient. She will no doubt thank you for that for years.:)

Sue SA said...

Your a great nurse, caring enough to find a reason, is a real help to a patient as not all pain is physical, good for you.

Megan said...

On behalf of miserable patients everywhere, I thank you for making the effort with your patient. I don't suppose it was easy to do, but it seems to have made a huge difference to her.

Sydney, Australia

Mary said...

Love the endless possibilities!

Congrats on some excellent nursing! It was a gutsy move to press her into confiding to you and inspiring. You have the touch! I'm so proud of you!

KaHolly said...

Love both looks!! That's great about that lady. How fortunate she is to have such a compassionate and caring nurse looking after her.

Me and My Stitches said...

I have always believed that it takes a special person to be a nurse, and obviously you are in the right profession. Good for you for saving her!

Nancy said...

God bless you for taking the time with the woman's whose very soul was wounded. She will remember you fondly and be forever grateful to the nurse who cared enough to listen.

Barb said...

neat look LC variation!

Janet O. said...

I know a woman who could currently use a nurse like you. Recent back surgery--won't get up and try to move, getting depressed and thinks she is loosing feeling in her legs.
You, my dear, are a hero!
I am fascinated with your quilt possibilities. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Cindy F said...

Love your blocks and had to bookmark this page because I'm in love with the geese and strings. On your nurse's notes, I can't help but think how blessed the lady was to have you as her nurse. Sometimes healing starts on the inside and you definitely helped her on her way.

Sandy said...

I really like the strings with the flying geese. It definitely deserves to be its own quilt.

Great news about your patient. It sounds as if her depression had literally immobilized her, to the extreme. Thank god someone (you) cared enough to shake her out of it.

Kim said...

Poor lady measuring her value through other peoples judgement. She needs to have the best life possible and show herself and everyone that she can do it! I hope she finds her way and gets her life back, you helped set her on her way!

Oh your blocks are fantastic....what if you alternated the logs with the strings in one quilt?

Hey I'm finishing up a UFO today :0)
thanks for being a good role model on many levels. You rock nurse Julie :0).

Happy Sewing

Millie said...

Great story and endless possibilities for sure. Julie you are a very special person. :)

Sinta Renee said...

Wow. So much healing inside and out.

Sharon said...

You ROCK!!!!! yes, the healing starts from within so many times. My dad, for the first time, told me he is optimistic about his cancer diagnosis. He's starting to get facts back, and not feeling like "this is the end" What a difference that makes, a positive attitude can change your life! (or let you continue with your own) Oh and on a quilty note, L-O-V-E the strings and geese, that looks fabulous!

mkhquilts said...

I really like the strings with the geese blocks. Great combo and great inspiration!
And speaking of inspiration...You get the Mighty Nurse award for that patient! I must admit, I tend to be so task oriented on my job, that I forget the heart too. Way to help that patient!

Holee said...

My very old Amish friend who was well into his 80's was digging a hole to install a new mailbox for my neighbor. I asked him when the Amish were allowed to retire. He said, "If you wake in the morning and no one needs you might as well not wake up at all". Maybe she remembered there is someone that needs her.

Lois Arnold said...

You are a miracle worker, Julie! You bless your patients so much by insisting they get well and helping them do so!

You also make beautiful quilts and both of your possibilities look wonderful!

Dasha said...

What a wonderful Christian attitude you have Julie. You didn't simply go shut the door on that patient and pray for her, but you got in there and listened. With a terrific result. You are one special lady.
I love your geese with both the log cabin and the strings blocks. You make me itch to go sew some! OLO. But I am staying focussed too, and finishing things off, except I'm on holidays at the moment and no where near a machine.
Hugs to you from Down Under.

Dasha said...

Ha ha ha! That was supposed to be LOL, not OLO!

Deanna said...

Good job, Nurse Julie. On the patient and on the quilt. I think I might even recognize a few of those scraps. Did you mention? or did I miss is? What size are the blocks?

Loris said...

That is such good news about your patient! I am blessed to hear about it.
And I like the strings possibility with your flying geese :-)

AnnieO said...

Pretty pretty possibilities!

My former boss, a PM&R doc, always let his patients--most of them disabled by chronic pain---talk and talk and talk during the appointments which were mostly for medication refills and could have been 5 minutes long. He always said, "At least they get it out!" and they loved him for it. You helped this lady more than you know, by finally giving her the chance to let it all out. Terrific news!

Betsy said...

Juli, your block is fabulous, but what is even more fabulous is what you have done to help heal that lady. You are her angel.

Rose Marie said...

I think you are on to something with those strings! they just sing!!!

So glad to hear that you helped that lady.

Denise R said...

I love your blocks!! Both of the different options! I have a box full of scrappy geese that had no real plan. This has been rolling around my head as a possibility. Now I see an idea coming into focus.Thank You

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love the string blocks with the geese. Glad you had the talk with the lady. Hopefully her outlook will keep improving.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I love both blocks! What fun!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...