Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sister's choice progress

 Focusing is really paying off here, folks.  If I can just stop thinking of the next quilt, and cutting out pieces and parts for quilts in the far future...I can make real progress...see above!!  Yippee Skippy, I have the Sister's choice blocks all done and sewn together!  I have a pieced border planned, and cut out...just need some more time to get it all together.  I love scraps, don't you?  There sure are some ZINGER blocks in there, don't you think?  I love those that don't fit!
 I have a birthday coming up...and received the most beautiful package from my dear friend Lyn.  It was all in a Parisian theme!!  The little pink key ring is an Eiffel cute!  There are lots of little wrapped packages in there...and I am to take one out every once in a while and open it!  What fun!!  Thank you, Lyn!!
 The first gift?  The Timecula quilt!  At least that is what I call it...each block has an increasing number of pieces.  It is so pretty!!
Have you seen these pendants?  There are the artistic work of Julie, at Me and My Stitches, and I ordered one in her heart pineapple pattern, to wear at work in the heart hospital.  It is the tiniest quilt block ever!!  And so precise!  She also has bracelets that she is making, with many different charms that you can order through the year.  Fun, fun!!

Have a great day all!  Thank you all for the huge response to last post...the drawing will be next week.



Kim said...

Wow! Nicely done it looks terrific :0)
Will you do something special to celebrate your B'd?

Did you finish you medallion sew along quilt? That is what I am working on this week.

Happy Sewing

Terry said...

What great gifts you got! I love that pendant! :0)

Kindred Quilts said...

Your Sister's Choice blocks are scrap-a-lious! It's impossible to pick out a favorite block. Very lovely mini quilt... LOVE the fabrics! Julie's pendants and other charms are just the cutest!

Kindred Quilts said...

I forgot! Happy Birthday!!!

Elaine Adair said...

Yowza -- another beauty, full of your signature beautiful color choices - zingers and all.

I LOVE the zingers as well - you always wonder how they'll look and many times it is the zingers that give character and personality.

Janet O. said...

The Sister's Choice quilt looks wonderful--I love the zingers!
What a wonderful surprise package. That will make for a happy birthday!
Nice pendant. I have pins and a bracelet by Julie, but no pendant--yet!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you! I'd love a summer something fun! Your quilt is delightful. Ie been gifted blocks like those.

Loris said...

Happy Birthday, Julie! Your quilts look wonderful! and your heart pendant is lovely! How fun to wear it to the heart unit!

Anne Heidi said...

I love your quilt! It looks amazing!
And Happy birthday, hope you have a great one, such cute gifts you have received!

Helen in the UK said...

Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Love your Sister's Choice and that adorable pendant :)

Leeanne said...

Great job! Looks fantastic! Happy birthday for your special day!!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, glad your birthday box arrived safe and sound...I had forgotten to mention...the little Eiffel tower....I purchased in Paris when we were there....Hugs Lyn

loulee said...

Love your sisters choice quilt.
Have a happy birthday.

Karen said...

I find the Sister's Choice blocks all put together very interesting. Works well.
I had forgotten about the Temecula blocks where the number of pieces increased each time. The fabrics used for the quilt is such a good choice. Makes a wonderful little quilt.

Me and My Stitches said...

Happy Birthday! What a wonderful box of treasures from Lyn - I can't wait to see what else you unwrap! Focusing is definitely paying off - your Sister's Choice is awesome! Glad you like your pendant!

AnnieO said...

Scrappy Sisters are wonderful ! Ah, the siren call of a new quilt is hard to resist, I know ;)
Happy happy birthday to you, what lovely gifts!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great friend Lyn is!
If she needs another friend, I'm totally available! LOL

Mary said...

I can't wait for your birthday! I have a surprise in mind for you! Hint: save up some strings!

Merilyn said...

You have done well with your Sister's Choice quilt top, it is looking great!!! What a lovely birthday gift/s, I love the pendant, what a great idea!!! Happy upcoming Birthday!!!!

Nancy said...

Such fun to get surprises and presents - Happy Birthday!

Seeing the mini quilt reminds me that I haven't finished mine. I have all the blocks made; I need to get it assembled and quilted. It was a Twelve Days of Christmas project.

Vic in NH said...

What a great looking Sister's Choice! It doesn't need a pieced border, but I bet yours will be smashing when it's done. Keep up the good work and Happy Birthday, too!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Love the star quilt. I'm nutty for stars. Happy Birthday!

Lori said...

Looks like fun days past and coming!! Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I love the Paris sign. It is so adorable. I love the quilt. All of these pictures are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

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Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

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