Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So much to tell!!

 HI Everyone!!  I have been working and cooking and sewing!  Above is the latest quilt I am working on...a log cabin.  Nondescript, huh?  EXCEPT!!!
 The blocks are only 4 inch finished!!  1/2 inch finished logs.  This uses the tiniest one inch wide strings...use it up or do without,  right?!!  I love these blocks so much, and every bit of this quilt is from my strings...gifted strings, strings that I have saved...thank you so much for everyone who gifted me with strings this year...I love them so much!!  I am making 400 of these blocks.
 And the little trimmings from the strips!  Never fear!  They are used too!  Not in the land fill, but as hot pads.  I pile a whole bunch on a piece of fabric (muslin in this case, but you could use prettier fabric!)  I then spray the whole thing with starch and PRESS it all down...then I quilt it in wiggly lines from the front, being careful not to catch the loops of fabric.
 The back...
 And then I trim it to whatever size and put a couple hand holding pockets on the back.
Then bind it!!  I still need to stitch down the binding, but hey!  The littlest pieces of fabric are used, and I love the scrappy look!  Best of all?  When these are washed, they are even better protection for your hands!  Love, love to use every little bit of fabric up!!!

*******************Nurse's Notes*****************************

I may have a really sore back...I may work the holidays and have troubles all my own (don't we all)?  But when I confront the reality of someone on the ventilator for weeks, unable to breath or maintain their blood pressure....or a person receiving three kinds of chemo, blasting their body,  just for a chance to keep living, to see their son grow up....or a person who had SEVEN bypasses this last week (didn't know they could do that many)...or the man in the hospital for more than a month with a bone infection who never has a visitor...hey, I am so blessed and tickled to be able to feel and keep on going!!  Hurrah...and God bless these patients!!!  So I am so very thankful each day, including Thanksgiving...and love to read about your gratitudes!!  How many can you count today!??



Thursday, November 8, 2012

blues, Blues, BLUES!

 Just of lots of blues going on around here!  Here is a blue version of Bonnie Hunter's string X pattern...adding a little corner triangle to the white triangles.  I have 18 more blocks to go, and this will be a nice throw sized quilt.  I just love all the variety of blues!
 And a second baby quilt...not fancy, and it needs a good pressing before I get busy quilting it. 
 And this sunflower came into being too!  Strings for the petals...should have added a ninth petal, but oh well, it is done!!
And with all this piecing comes some bonus triangles, so this little quilt was born too.  And with that...maybe I am done with strictly blue for a while...at least when I get the other blocks done for my string x...then I will be!


Congratulations to Stephanie Hughes, you were randomly chosen to receive the magazine from last post...I will send it to you as soon as you get me your address!!


I hope you all survived the election process...I am glad  it is all done with!  And glad to live in a country where we have a choice, and a chance to vote!!!

The Hurricane...Sandy.  These storm victims are very heavy on my mind...I have donated to the Red Cross and am donating a quilt too.  Please see Quiltville for information about donating, on her November 8th post.  My prayers and thoughts are with all of you and your families affected by this terrible storm. And may the power be on for everyone, ASAP!!

Have a great day,


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do you think this is OK for a baby quilt?

 Hi everyone!!  Above is a small version of Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple quilt.  It is about 30x36...do you think it would be OK for a baby quilt, for a little boy?  Or should I go with something with a baby-like print fabric...what do you think??  I just love using scraps!! Is that OK?  I need to make two boy baby quilts for people at work...I can't keep up!
Hey, let's give this away!!  I somehow have two of this magazine...and the cover quilt?  Is by none other than Kathie, of Inspired by Antique Quilts blog fame!!  I love her quilt, and this magazine has some great Christmas ideas too.  If you would like to be put in the drawing, just leave a comment about anything...maybe how many trick or treaters you had!  We had buses and buses full of them...over 200 kiddos and then I lost count!

Thank you so much, everyone for commenting on my last post, the book giveaway!  Random number drawing came up with Kaaren, at the Painted quilt!  Please send me your address, Kaaren, and I will get your book in the post stat. 

*******************Nurses's notes***************************

I had a super nice patient last week.  An engineer with two PHD's, he was a smartie!  But...Alzheimer's is setting in for him.  Isn't it sad when some of our brilliant minds succumb to this...I know that someday a cure hopefully will be found!!!


Have a great day, all!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...