Friday, July 15, 2011

Plaid string quilt along, part. next.!

Hi everyone! Above are my cornerstone pieces for the plaid string quilt along quilt...I tried to mix it up and have some dull and some bright pieces in each nine patch. You can set your string blocks side by side, or with plain sashing and cornerstones...but I love Evelyn Sloppy's original nine patch cornerstones, so I opted for this. Suit your own fancy! Now, I just need a day to set all the pieces and parts together! Hurrah!!
Yes, these are pressed...but the edges curl a little, on some of the homespuns. Some of these are printed plaids, most are woven, some tightly woven, some quite loose...and one of part of a plaid dishrag I have had for years...hey, it was plaid and was not used, so it worked just fine!
This is all the plaid strings I have left...don't know what the safety pin is doing in there! I am going to make the border out of these...and my rule for me is that I have to use everything. If I leave two or more strings...I swear they will breed in my sewing nook and I will have a whole bunch of plaid strings again to use up!! does this happen to you...LOL?!!!

I hope you are enjoying making your own quilt...thank you so much for all your encouragement!!

***********************Off the subject*************************

A lady really got my goat today. I brought a pair of shoes to be repaired, and paid big bucks for this to her. She was very curt to me when I dropped them off about a week ago, but hey, I thought, maybe she was having a bad day. I called today to see if the shoes where ready...and she was just downright nasty!! After about 10 minutes of being put on hold over and over, and she actually raising her voice to me...I had had it. I am going to vote with my feet and never go back there!! I just am so frustrated with people thinking that they can be rude to people who are paying their bills...customers!!! Do any of you have an opinion about this...or is it just me experiencing this in our world today??


Have a great day!!



Jane said...

No, it isn't just you. There are days when I've gone shopping and been so discouraged by the unnecessary rudeness of store employees that I just stop & go home. On my better days I think about how miserable they must be to behave this way.

Janet O. said...

I admit that I do avoid some places where I feel that the clerks act like they are doing me a favor to acknowledge my presence. Don't they have a clue?
I love how the string quilt is coming along!

Pokey said...

Your nine patches are pretty all by themselves, but this is a favorite quilt of mine, so I know they will just make everything mo' betta'.

Grumpy people are everywhere. I tell the boys and girls at school, no one has the right to be rude. I have enough, "Listen here, lady,..." in me, that I'd probably want to call her on it. OR, I'd not, and just tell my Larry about 5 times how much she BuGGeD me, lol

Amy said...

My LQS had a garage sale today, and I picked up quite a few plaid if you decide you need to relenish your plaid scraps let me know!

pcflamingo said...

Love your nine-patches and your plans for them! You are not alone in wondering whatever happened to MANNERS! I have gone as far as to ask a rude employee "have I said or done something to offend you?" just to give them a reality check. But I also make a point to seek out the store manager and tell them when an employee has done a particularly good job.

Sharon said...

Here's the UP side. We stored a car for someone from TX, she just came today and picked it up. I wrote out the receipt for $100 storage fee and she insisted I take $160 because she was just so happy that we could help her out!
2nd story. Need to get a silver platter replated for my dad. Called the shop in the city, she told me to bring it to her house because it was much closer for me. Oh and bring it in Sept when we have our 25% off sale.
So there are a few good people out there, but power to the purse holder, dont' spend $$ where you aren't thanked and treated well!

Karen said...

Years ago, I stopped at a yarn shop that sold DMC embroidery floss. They did not carry a full line. That day, the daughter of the owner was running the shop. I told her nicely that I wish they would carry the whole line. That I drove 45 minutes to get to a shop that did. By the way, this was before internet. She told me she didn't care and to take my business to that store because the shop could not afford to carry a full line. And she told me in a very impolite manner. I never shopped there again.

Cheri said...

Just wanted to tell you thanks for having the header of that lovely quilt all this time. I got inspired and made one. It's on my blog now. So thanks for your lovely work. I love the dishrag part!

Lois Arnold said...

There's no excuse for rudeness. She is probably miserable all the time. Take your shoes elsewhere and focus on the good stuff! Like your wonderful plaid string long quilt. It will be gorgeous and happy!

Nancy said...

I avoid stores with poor customer service, too, or stop shopping there all together.

This plaid quilt is going to be gorgeous.

KaHolly said...

I'm the eternal optimist and wonder if she wasn't just having a difficult day. Which is still no excuse for treating a customer like that, for sure. I probably wouldn't go back, either.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I had a very similar situation with my cobbler. I went to someone new and he was rude also. Very strange,especially in this economy.
Love your blocks BTW.

Smiley Quilter said...

I fell in love with this quilt the first time I saw it. I made a lap size using scrappy string blocks and 2 consistent fabrics for dashing & nine patch. My husband liked it so much that I'm now enlarging it to queen size. I will post
A picture when complete, there is one in progress on my blog
I would definitely let my feet do the talking and politely let them know why you won't be back.

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, I am enjoying your plaid quilt are the Queen of Plaids, Julie, you have a way with them.....I deplore bad manners or rudeness....I always try and support our local businesses...however...last week I went into a local craft store...looking for some cream felt.....they had a great selection of felts from North Carolina...lovely and soft....the chap that runs the store said to me do you mind if I serve this lady..I said I wasnot ready with my selection.....he had probably served about four customers by the time I got to the one in store...he was half way ringing up my purchases....when a lady sidled up to me with her wool purchase...he said to me I will serve this lady.....I politely said no you won't I have waited patiently...keep ringing up my purchases....hmmmm a big silence...I thanked him and will not purchase from this store I think I would have made a point of saying something to your shoe a nice way but to the point...must be my Aries nature showing through...grin...hugs lyn

Me and My Stitches said...

I'm a big stickler about customer service. When my kids were younger - anytime we ever encountered poor customer service, I always talked to them about how NOT to treat people! It's just not that hard to be nice!

Denise in PA said...

Maybe it's shoe repair in general?! The folks in my local local shoe repair place are pretty rude too. Amazing! Love your 9 patch cornerstones!

Lori said...

I would take my business elsewhere....of course, get yoru shoes back first! I would let her know that you will not be coming back and why.
We own a business and I'd like to know if there was a problem.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

No matter how many strings and strips I use there are always MORE! How come that doesn't happen with money in my wallet? I'm following your progress on this one, I'm mad about plaid too. I can't wait to see more...

Heartsdesire said...

No, you are not alone. It seems the old adage "The Customer is Always Right" no longer applies. Now it seems that you are doing them a favour, even though you are paying them.

Deanna said...

Vote with your feet is the way to go. Some people are just rude and it can't be helped.

But, retreating to the peace of quilting makes it all better!

Elaine Adair said...

I'm not sure I would say it, but (above, suggestion from PCFlamingo, "Have I offended you in some way" is definitely a reality check! It's work a try. Sometimes people don't realize how they sound, or they might really have a very bad life at home. I'd still try to be kind -- I'm in a small town and everyone knows each other. We HAVE to live with one another, but there are still people we want to avoid.

Helen in the UK said...

Love how your plaids are coming together! I can't abide rude people, especially sales people. Vote with your feet/wallet for sure :)

Janet said...

This is going to be a wonderful quilt, I just love the plaids.
I would be complaining to someone if I had got spoken to like that or the woman would have been told by me.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Recently I was at the farmers' market and went to the produce corner for a fresh pineapple. The person who waited on me was speaking in a foreign language to another person through the entire transaction, never said a word to me, rang up my sale, took my money, never said thank you. There are other places that sell fresh pineapple. At a better price, too. So THERE, Mrs. Pineapple Lady!

I Quilt for Fun said...

So -- when someone is rude or nasty, I often will say in my very nicest voice "have I done something to upset you" which is normally met with a "no, why?" at which point I get to say (still using my nicest voice) "well you have raised your voice to me" or "you seemed a little curt or rude and I just wanted to make sure I hadn't done anything". My point gets made and 9 out or 10 times I get an apology. I find I just can't walk away from it but don't want a confrontation -- unless they get nasty back and then 'bring it on'!

Jan at

Millie said...

Julie, some people can be so rude, I just do not know why. On the good note, I love your string quilt along. I have missed out so much on your blog. I have never used nine patches with a string quilt and I LOVE it. You will seen me working on one very SOON.
Lots of hugs

June D said...

Jan at I quiltforfun's comment gets a star from me. Good words to try to remember and say. If one just doesn't return then the shoe lady doesn't learn anything.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...