Friday, December 26, 2008

What a wonderful Christmas!

Hi all! I hope each one of your had a blessed Christmas. Above is a picture in the dark of our Christmas tree, a tall, skinny tree, just right for a tight spot.

I received the most wonderful package from Monika in Germany at She has a wonderful blog! She was also my lady to send a secret santa gift to, and she blogged about it. She speaks only German, so she had a translator send me a letter, wonderful chocolate, pictures and a guide book to her wonderful German town. In addition, she sent very pretty trims for my crazy quilt, with a lovely card. Also included was a cozy teacup stitchery pattern. I am so spoiled! Thank you so much, Monika, for all the lovely gifts and my DH thinks we must come and see Germany.

This darling little doll came from Lyn at This precious little doll is lucky to me! She is on the dining room table in a place of honor. Thank you Lyn, I love her!

And this was my secret santa gift! Anne Heidi at was my secret santa! She sent me the above most lovely bag, it has pockets and zippers and lots of room! I love it!

She also sent the so very cute fabric above...yummy! Coasters made from fabric I had admired on her blog, chocolate from Norway mmmmmmmm, and a sweet card. Thank you so much, I love it all!

This is the only thing I have done remotely quilt-ish in a couple of weeks. I had overtime pay at the hospital, so I grabbed all the overtime I could, and also got ready for Christmas. I am such a lucky lady, and of course am spoiled rotten. Hope you all had such a wonderful day too.
Hugs from Julie

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas is coming!!

Good morning all! In between the madness of getting ready for the holidays, I decided I just must rebel and have a little break and blog a little bit!! I recently saw on one of your fabulous blogs, the above quilt. I did mine long ago, (well, maybe three years) in all turquise/blues, and got the pattern from the Quilter's Newletter Online cache of patterns. It was quilted by a friend here in town who just got her longarm quilter and wanted to practice on this with a panto. I said sure, go for it!!! I have had it in the quilt cupboard, but today I am going to wash it, and dry it, and enjoy the crinkly goodness of it!

Above is my quilt, the only one I have left from my Grandmother. Now that lady was a quilter!!! Of course you recognize the double wedding ring pattern, all from 1930's original fabrics. It is so tattered and just loved and used up! All quilted by hand in the most tiny of stitches, dense and yummy. Unfortunately, most of her quilts were destroyed, so this one is extra special!

Millie at quilted this fabulous whole cloth quilt above. A constant request from my husband is to make great, big quilts!! Enough to cover him all up. I saw that Millie had quilted one like this for her mother, and impulsively asked her if she could make one for us. She said yes! This one is a wholecloth quilt, machine quilted, and just huge! Very pretty, and I will use it on the bed and put my smaller quilts on top seasonally for color. Good idea? I hope so!!! And I can proudly say I did all the piecing....not! Hee!!!

Hope you are all ready for Christmas and enjoying this wonderful season. Hugs to each of you!!!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wishing for fun things...

Hi all: Above is the start of my little Red block of the month, Red Delicious. The block is so cute, now just needs to be appliqued down. Lots of Red!!!I am feeling pretty under the weather, I have a super bad cough and congestion...sound familiar to any of you? Above is a baby quilt I finished for a friend at work, due December 30Th! They are hoping for a tax deduction...or a New Year's baby! The photo was taken in our messy break room at work. I quilted this on my little Brother domestic sewing machine.

I have also been crocheting, see above! Dishcloths...lots of them! Nice cotton, fun to work with, and fast.
Hope everyone is well and waiting for the sleigh to arrive, and to also celebrate Jesus birthday!!

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...