Saturday, March 8, 2008

The oldest UFO!

Hi Everyone!

I have been busy playing in the 2 inch strips!! I made these two scrappy happy houses, and have several more cut out and just waiting to be sewn. This was sooo much fun! Nothing matches, nothing goes together, totally scrappy! Just for fun.

I have a challenge for all who would like to participate. This I am sure has probably been done before, but I drug out my oldest UFO and would love to see other people's oldest UFO's too. This is a Grandmother's flower garden quilt...and as you can see, it is about 1/2 done! (maybe, if I am generous). Do you have an heirloom or "forever" project lurking in your closet/shelves/under the bed in a grocery sack? :) Well, let's see it!! This was fun for me to pull out, I haven't seen those fabrics for a loooonnng time! It was started 13 years ago. Can you beat that?? How old is your Oldest??? This was done using the English paper piecing method. It was a car trip project forever...It is called"Hooked on Hexagons", and this was all started by my friend Marilyn, who got me going on this project. And by another friend Pam, who kept on feeding me little scraps of fabric to put in it!! So fun...but not done!! hehehe!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day today! I would love to see YOUR oldest UFO!!!



Meike The Dutchlady said...

13 years is a long time!
I only just started quilting last summer but I already can see a pile of UFO's growing.

Amelia said...

The houses are a great way to use scraps.

Mary Johnson said...

I have some hexagon flowers too that will end up in a small donation quilt - they're all made - I just have to applique the flowers to the background.

Nancy in MT said...

Julie, I like the houses, I don't have too many UFO's, I tend to go ahead and make them smaller if I can't finish them, but the saddest thing I'm doing is sleeping under a quilt that is ready to be handquilted, so I'm sleeping under it, safety pins and all, keep thinking I can get a stitch in or two before I fall asleep. Been doing that for a year.

Marilyn Robertson said...

I will have to think about what is my oldest UFO - that might be fun to pull it out!

Anonymous said...

Those house blocks are my favorite kind...scrappy florals, kinda shabby chic! I absoulutely love your Colorado Crossroads. It is so patriotic too. Your applique top is beautiful. Are you going to hand or machine quilt it?

Cheryl said...

Sweet houses and love, love that grandmothers flower garden. I will have to dig through my UFO'S.. don't know if I can beat 13 years. Great challenge!

Dana said...

Beautiful! I love seeing what other people are working on. So inspiring.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Keep in mind that the quilt give away contest does not officially begin until my 200th post. So, be sure to check back and enter. Should be sometime this week.

Eileen said...

Thanks for visiting! This actually sounds like a fun thing.. I have quite couple I could show. Your house blocks are wonderful.. scrappy is the best in my opinion!

~Bren~ said...

Well I can beat 13 years. I will post my oldest UFO on Monday. What a great challenge!!! Your house blocks are wonderful!!

Darcie said...

Wow! That is a lot of hexagons!

Sounds like a fun challenge to watch and see if anyone come up with anything older. I may just have to dig and see....

Unknown said...

I like very much the idea with the houses to use scraps. Your oldest UFO is worth finishing. It is beautiful. Not like mine, I guess that´s why it is my oldest UFO, quite ugly! Take care.

The Calico Quilter said...

I still have an unfinished quilt top from the spring of 1996, so I'm close. It was going to be a wedding gift for my nephew, who married his girlfriend while living in Germany, and surprised us with the announcement. I finished half and then was transferred to a job where I had 2 1/2 hours a day commuting time and 60 hour work weeks. No time to sew, so it was shoved in the closet. I honestly forgot I had it until I cleaned my fabric closet last September. Maybe I should overcome the guilt and finish it before their next anniversary!

Jan said...

I like your 2 inch scrappy houses! Very cute! Are you going to finish your UFO this year?

Texan said...

Great little scrappy house blocks!

Okay so all qulters apparently have a Hexagon quilt in the works LOL.. Yours is getting so close to being done! Its already bigger enough to be a throw!

MARCIE said...

What fun little houses! I have made them and they are addicting. But maybe that is just me--if I like it, it's addicting! Your Hexagon quilt is great! So much work!

Leanne said...

Both those UFO's are lovely - the little houses are really sweet.

Finn said...

Hi Julie, wow..that's a wonderful old UFO..I hope you'll finish it to some size or another one of these days. I'm afraid my UFO is much older than that one. It's been so very long that I can't even rememeber when I started it. I know it was after 1984 when we moved to this area, but just when after 1984, I'm not sure. I'll think about it.
And maybe even show it...LOL Big hugs, Finn
P.S. Love, love, love the houses..that's exactly why I'm not minding cutting up 2" atrips and scraps into 2" strips!

Patti said...

I wrote about mine sometime last year I think - it's my Baltimore Album Quilt. Started in 1989!!!! Someday it will be done - I hope!


Hi everyone!! I have been busy working....and piecing...and raking leaves. Above are my plaids star blocks...a UFO.  Yes, a genuine UFO!! I ...