Hi Y'all!! As you may have heard, I received an Accuquilt Go cutter...how much fun is that!! I have been looking at these cutters for a while, with my main interest being the rounded patterns...you know, the ones that are impossible to cut with a rotary cutter, and time consuming to cut by hand. So, I ordered the double wedding ring, the apple core, and the winding ways dies. The curvier the better!!

Many of you know about this quilt...an antique I finished; the top being made by a masterful quilter. Gorgeous to me...and I have always wanted to reproduce it, so this one could be preserved and not grabbed up and used as a couch cuddler quilt...you know what I mean! The model is just extra, gratis...she charges only doggie treats to be our model today. She believes her profile is her best view...

Hmmmm, I knew I had a stash of polka dots...I don't know why, but I just love the whimsy of polka dots!! Just the thing for Apple Core blocks.

So, first thing you do is put the apple core die down on the cutter, foam side up.

Then I placed my fabrics in a pile (I even pressed them...aren't you so impressed?), on top of the die.

Then the cutting board on top, making a fabric sandwich.

Then you place the sandwich close to the roller, and crank away. The crank was easy...I was careful not to go too fast, so as not to disturb the sandwich. (peanut butter and jelly?) Oh, no, I remember...fabric!

Can you see the faint outline of the cut apple core blocks?? Here is the purple one...

Cool, huh?? I am going to love putting this together!! I will wait until I have enough for a quilt cut out...I bet I can do it all this afternoon. Not too much waste, probably not more than I would waste if I were cutting out by hand...and so much, much faster and more accurate by far.

Do you see the notches? Remember when we were garment sewing, we used to use patterns with notches, at least I did....this sure helps with sewing placement on these curves!
So, that is my demo....
Good points:
1. Accuracy
2. Notches on the blocks, engineered in
3. Faster, faster, faster!!
4. Kind of fun, too!!
5. Exceptional customer service.
Other points:
1. You have to prep your fabrics as for any project....no magical things happen here...
2. A little more fabric waste...but I cut the rest into blocks for my strip drawers, so it was OK. I could have gone skimpier, but wanted plenty for the demo. Hey, we have lots too much fabric anyway....
Now, soon....I will be able to give one of these away!! Please stay tuned!!! It will come from the company right to you, not from me, so as soon as I know, you will know too.

Dear Jane:
Hope you have been well...your quilt has been languishing on the TV curio, so I can see it every day. Kind of lonely really, as I bet you were lonely in the Civil war, making your fabulous quilt, waiting for your sweetheart to return. This block was fun, fun to make, Jane! It is not really as crooked as it appears on the photo. Now, Jane, really....that many pieces in a 4.5 inch finished block? What were you thinking, dear??? Thank you for this one, though!!!
Everyone have a wonderful day!!