Friday, November 4, 2011

I think I have a plan...

HI Everyone!! Have you seen old quilts like this one? Tiny nine patches...really tiny! I love these quilts each time I see them in the quilts-for-sale booths, but wow, they are too I am going to make one. Yep, I am going to make one...I tried one inch pieces, to make a 1.5 inch nine was just ridiculously little. Then I tried 1 1/4 inch strips...and the blocks look very small, but not so small that I cannot handle them. Just this morning, I was thinking of how to use up reproduction fabrics stashed, and decided to make teeny nine patches! I am psyched about ask me about my enthusiasm on nine patch number 800, LOL!! I have seen this quilt in books before finding this picture on the web...please forgive me, as I do not know where I found it, due to my computer crashing about that time!

I have a plan:

Dear Jane Quilt
Bonnie's new Mystery
Teeny nine patches
Fall Jacob's Ladder
Plaid Jewel Box.

The Dear Jane and nine patches are compulsory...the others are for pure joy! Not that I don't like working on the Dear Jane, but let's face it...some of those blocks are pretty dang hard to make, for me at least. But I love the quilt, and want to finish it, so here I go!

Now, this inquiring mind wants to know...are you doing Bonnie's mystery quilt? I got my string box out, and sorted reds and blues according to what she has planned...soLink I am ready, I think! November 18Th is the date...go to Quiltville and see what she has in mind!!

Have a great day, all!!



mkhquilts said...

Whoo Hoo Julie! I am doing the mystery too! I am using orange and turquoise instead of red and blue. Your 9-patch sounds like fun. I have done things with 1.5 inch pieces, but never as small as 1.25! Shoud be fun to work on!
Mary H

Janet O. said...

Oh, Wow, those ARE teeny 9-patch blocks. I will love WATCHING that come together!
Good plan--ambitious plan--glad it is yours and not mine. : )
I don't save strings and I usually whine, so I don't think I will be in on Bonnie's mystery. I will enjoy watching that project, too.

Annette said...

I am cheering you on! The little nine patch will be amazing!

Supergoof said...

I know this quilt, and I love it,... I've got the book laying on the table,...opened on that particular page for weeks now,..
The title of the book is Quilts by Dennis Duke - Deborah Harding, it's on page 35,...
"Nine-Patch Postage Stamp Miniature Pieced Quilt c. 1870. Kentucky. Cotton, 69 x 59". Collection Shelly Zegart's Quilts, Louisville, Kentucky. Photograph by Steve Mitchell.

Regina said...

I love these, too... just have yet to get that organized to just do one... hmmmm....tempting!

julieQ said...

Thank you so much to Supergoof for crediting this quilt and picture...thank you, thank you! Wanna make this quilt with me???

pecasatwo said...

Julie - are you suggesting a teeny tiny nine patch swap? I would be up for it!!

Supergoof said...

it's so tempting, I like these tiny pieces,.....
1 1/4 inch you wrote, is this the size of the whole nine-patch?
I just made a little tumbler quilt of 6552 tumblers, 3 cm each,...

Lois Arnold said...

Those little 9-patch quilts are soooo appealing. While I'd love to do one, I've decided I just HAVE to finish some of the things I have already started. Good luck getting all those quilts done. I'll follow Bonnie's mystery, but don't think I'll try to do it.

Kathy said...

I started a quilt with the tiny nine-patches a couple years ago. JJ Stitches had a quilt like that at one of the quilt shows, and I just loved it. Theirs had shirtings instead of plain white or muslin, so that's what I'm doing. I have approximately 1/80 of the quilt done LOL. It gets hauled out and worked on every once in a while when I'm between projects. I think it's a long-term project for me.

I am planning to do Bonnie's mystery. I have never done one but always wanted to, so this is the year. I should be working on finishing up my BOW from Primitive Gatherings, but that will be mostly handwork at this point, so my rationale is that I can do BOTH, depending on whether I'm in the sewing room or family room. I think I will use the same colors Bonnie did.

regan said...

Julie....LOVE that tiny 9-patch....I have that book as well! I am totally in on this! In Civil War repros! Yeah!!!! And I love that size...sounds perfect!

And, of course, I'm doing Bonnie's next mystery.....her mysteries are awesome! Not sure of my colors yet, maybe pink and grey, with the black and white....kindof an art-deco feel. We'll see what I have a lot of in my stash.

A Garden of Threads said...

That small!!! Wow!!! I would be cross eyed by the time I finished or have been driven crazy I think. Good luck. I am not the mystery, trying to finish UFO's, promised myself this was the winter. Take care, Jen.

Donna Keating said...

I'm thinking about joining in Bonnie's quilt along. I've never done one of hers before but just love some of the quilts I've seen from her Roll Roll Cotton Boll quilt along. I am determined to finish my friendship triangle quilt before I start anything new, however.

Leeanne said...

Cutest nine patches, are you using plaids? Lucky me my hubby was sorting out his clothes today and i got a nice big pile of his unwanted shirts as well as a wool/cashmere jacket!
I am planning on doing Bonnie's mystery, I have never done one of her mysteries before, not sure on colours yet.

Anonymous said...

I've done a postage stamp. They are fun and actually you can work on them and leave for awhile and when you get started back it's a no brainer so jump in there and start. I love the one you have shown. Strips for the nine patches LOOK better than trying to sew individual patches...ask me how I know..ha.
I'm doing the Bonnie Mystery too. I've done them all except one but I have the pattern for someday. We were packing to move to another state and that quilt never happened.

Merilyn said...

You really can't beat the nine-patch, they are just so classically beautiful, good luck on your journey to get this one finished!! Knowing how committed you can be you will have them all done by Christmas LOL!!! I'll be cheering you on Julie...!!!!!

AnnieO said...

You and your scraps look raring to go!

Love the little 9 patches--this looks like another long term project, except for maybe those sleepless nights might speed it up unexpectedly :)

Have a great time with the mystery!

Helen in the UK said...

Those little nine patches would drive me CRAZY, but I know you'll be in seventh heaven!! I'm pulling fabrics for Bonnie's mystery - terracota/orange, green, black and neutral for me :)

Julie in the Barn said...

I love 9 patch quilts. I'm not sure I would have the patience to sew enough of those tiny ones to make that quilt though. I'll be cheering for you. Have to go check out Bonnie's new mystery...

Cheryl said...

You inspire me! A tiny nine patch quilt would be fun. I am still on the fence about Bonnie's project. Great way to use up scraps though.

Ulla's Quilt World said...

Hi! Greetings from Finland! That quilt is stunning! Thank you so much for your lovely blog!
It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world!

Stephanie D said...

Don't think I could do that 9-patcher--just too tiny for these eyes! I took a loot at Bonnie's mystery requirements but decided against it. I have so many WIPs and UFOs, I don't want to start anything so time-consuming.

But I'll be watching everyone!

Terry said...

I'm impressed that you're going to make this quilt! It will be beautiful! :0)

Lori said...

My head is in a new quilt but that is all, so I will pass. I do have a few finishes on the horizon.I lvoe the quilt you'll be doing!!

I'm passing on Bonnie's mystery this year. Too much going on in my household.

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

You are very ambitious!! I am doing Bonnies Mystery too. I think today I will try to gather my fabrics so I am ready for step one!

Texan said...

oh my that will be a challenge but it will be gorgeous when done!! I know you can do it!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I have been collecting 1.5 inch squares for quite some time now. I will make one someday when my bowl overflows. I am also doing Bonnie's mystery too. RRCB is at the quilter's now. I am replacing red with turquoise and blue with purple and I am using yellow instead of neutral and navy blue instead of black.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love the 9 patch quilts with all the tiny pieces too. How FUN! I am planning to join in on the mystery too...more fuN!

Taryn said...

I saw one of those teeny tiny nine-patch quilts at a large quilt show in Chicago. It was about $5,000 and I was still tempted. But...I figured if I could spend that on a quilt then I could pay of the car. I wound up doing neither. Finally, I did find a almost teeny tiny nine-patch quilt top and I am very pleased to own it. I've always wanted to make a teeny tiny nine-patch of my own and started a few blocks last fall. At the time however, I was really sick and just couldn't keep at it. Now, most unfortunately, I have a negative association with teeny tiny nine-patches. I should try some again on a good day so I can get over it. Good luck with your project and keep us posted on your progress.

Progress on the flags

I have been doing secret flag sewing at night.  Well, not exactly all know about it!!  But the recipient of the quilt does not....