Friday, November 16, 2007

I got my quilt back!! Big excitement!!

Hi y'all!I received my quilt back from the famous Bonnie Hunter in Quiltville. It is gorgeous!! She took a plain quilt top and made it really so pretty with all her quilting. I am so pleased with it...

Also, I wanted to mention that my Mom's quilt (the one with the swallow block in the middle) was pieced from her old fabrics and aprons. So it is doubley about her...Have a wonderul night, all!



Anonymous said...

Great job on the quilting, but I thinl it was a beautiful quilt before the quilting. Give yourself a pat on the back for a stunning finish.

Paula, the quilter said...

Mmmmm... that is a gorgeous quilt!

Elaine Adair said...

Beeeuuuutifulllll! I knew it would be. Congratulations - DONE!

Jenni said...

It's beautiful Julie. This is the first time I have visited your blog, and I am in awe of the many lovely quilts you have, and have made. How do you find the time? Makes me feel really slack!

Joyce said...

Love the baskets. They do leave lots of room for Bonnie's wonderful quilting too.

Katie said...

It is sooo exciting to get a quilt back and this one is beautiful. Will it go on your bed?

mereth said...

Yes, Bonnie did a wonderful job, but the top was lovely too. I love two colour quilts, and this one's really beautiful. Your mother's quilt was gorgeous too, very significant for lots of reasons.

floribunda said...

found your blog through Fairybread -- your quilts are just beautiful! I love the one in honor of your mother, and all the mini's.

Kim said...

Hi Julie! Beautiful quilts you have there. Looks like you put your quilting time to very good use.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Yes, Bonnie's quilting is ALWAYS beautiful! And your baskets are wonderful!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I love baskets, and I love blue. This is a gorgeous quilt. Thanks for sharing.

Progress on the flags

I have been doing secret flag sewing at night.  Well, not exactly all know about it!!  But the recipient of the quilt does not....