Friday, December 10, 2021

Progress for the week

Hello, everyone! It has been a bit since I updated my blog!   I have sewn three more blocks for the 1930's quilt.  This was a free quilt along from Lori's blog, A Bee in my Bonnett.  From 2019!!

I have all of the rest of the blocks cut out, and that is a huge thing for me.  Yahoo!

I finished four more blocks of the Spider and the Fly quilt.  On I close!

Two more of these solid bright blocks were accomplished.

Clue two of the Quiltville mystery quilt ...but I am short 30 pieces...will make short work of that!

I am working on hand quilting the above quilt.  It is a favorite of mine.

And lastly, I finished hand binding this quilt.  I love the quilting that my friend did.!

Have a lovely day, each of you!  I hope each of you is finding some joy in this season!



cityquilter grace said...

great projects and good progress....quilting is joy, right?

Robin said...

Working on so many different quilts. . . It must keep you from being bored with one individual project. The pine tree in your first picture is one of my favorite patterns. It's just so satisfying to put together. You're making good progress on everything. I wanted to start Bonnie's mystery because it's so fun to be doing a big group project. But, I finished the last of what I was working on instead. Now, I'm trying to decide whether to start something new or continue to finish up another UFO. Quilting never gets boring. I hope you are staying healthy. Happy Holidays!

Loris said...

Fun projects on the move here. I love the quilting on that last plaid finish. It's going to be fun seeing the mystery quilt come together. She chose some pretty colors again this year.

Julierose said...

You are making a lot of progress on all of these...I like the block you are hand quilting--so vintage-y;))
hugs, Julierose

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Looking good Julie! Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Take care! Hugs

Kyle said...

It's fun to see the variety of quilts you're working on.


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...