Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Instead of Jared takes a wife...Julie makes a mess!

 I just thought, a bit smugly, really NOT thinking at all...Oh, I know how Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville makes her quilt, "Jared takes a wife."  Of COURSE I did....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cut out THIRTY blocks, all the wrong size...see above!!!

 Now here is an example of the correct way to make Bonnie's block.
And here they both are.  I have now two quilts, similar but not quite similar, going.

The funny thing is, I should have made a test block, but once I got sewing...everything went wrong.  The needle unthreaded multiple times...nothing fit together...the bobbin ran out...then the thread tangled terribly on the bottom on the patchwork.  When this stuff happens, I need to STOP and see why I am being stopped, LOL!!


Bonnie provided the pattern free, click above on the link.

And how is your Tuesday????

Hugs to all!



Kathleen said...

why not use half of one block and half of the other? They go together just fine, and it will be more variety !!!! so glad someone else makes mistakes, not just me ... lol, enjoy the mess

Tired Teacher said...

I agree with Kathleen, use both sizes n the quilt. It will be wonderful.

Sherry said...

It took me a while to see the difference. I would also just combine the blocks. . . .it would end up being truly yours instead of just a copy.

I love the colors.

Anonymous said...

I agree, you should just use both of them and make one quilt - you can do it!


Nann said...

I had to look twice to see the difference. I'd sew the 30 mis-cut blocks and use them in another quilt!

Karrin Hurd said...

I ageee you should use both. They are lovely colors!

Needled Mom said...

I have days like that too. Somehow we know when it is time to quit and it's NOT while we're ahead! lol The block looks great.

Joyce Carter said...

This sounds like my kind of day.
You are really great at joining different blocks together to make a beautiful quilt. These blocks are lovely together so I would join them and make a quilt that is your very own. It will be beautiful.

Quilting Babcia said...

The block looks great, in either size! Do you have enough fabric to make it in the large and smaller size? I'm sure you will come up with a solution that will work well. Haven't tried this block yet though I've admired it every time I see it.

KaHolly said...

Guess you’re making a different quilt than the one you intended, huh? I have days like that, too. But not today! I have been trying to get a few things finished before I leave and I made great progress today, plus we had nice weather. Hope your Wednesday goes better!

Chantal said...

It's not a mistake, it's a creative opportunity. So you are making the front and the back of this quilt at the same time. Sounds interesting to me. What do you say? (lol) I had an horrible day but now it's over and I'm happy. You see, I have to layout the activity calendar for the play group and we are the 30th of the month and the calendar isn't out yet. It usually is out a week before the end of the month. I got so stressed about it, my vision was blurry in my right eye. It does that when I get too worked out over things. Anywho! I worked on it during the week end, on Monday and today, all I did was to finish the calendar. They just kept changing things on me or we were double booking some rooms, and argh!! It was 3:30pm when it was finally completed and I could publish it. Phew! My digestion is so much better now. lol. So, I guess your day was not so bad. lol. ;^)

Janet O. said...

No matter what you do to "save" the situation, I know it is disheartening to have cut out all those blocks the "wrong" way. But they aren't really wrong--just different from what you had been planning. :)
Each block is pretty. Love the cute little pinwheels, too.

Kyle said...

Unfortunately there are seeing day and non swing days.

Susan R. said...

I actually like your block better!

Karen said...

For some reason, the blog posts I am looking at this evening don't have all the pictures showing. I will have to pop back to see how your two quilts are different.

Rose Marie said...

I wonder what those smaller blocks would look like if a border was added and then placed next to the correct size block?

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry. Maybe you can add a border to the smaller blocks and still use them with the larger blocks. Nice alternate block setting.

Nines said...

Only you could make such a beautiful accident!

Vesuviusmama said...

Story of my life..."I can do it - who needs a pattern???" And then I end up with something I didn't quite intend to have. Oh well. Looks lovely either way.

sanpiseth40 said...

I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...