Monday, April 17, 2017

Yes...a string quilt was definitely on the list!!

 I am bound and determined to use up all my strings, so I can get some more.  SNORT!!!  I really am in love with them...the simple little pieces that quilters often throw away are like candy to me. 
 I have been making string blocks, and now I am playing with them, and trying to decide how to arrange them.
This is super fun!!  I had one pink string that was in the green bin by mistake, so I used it too...that why there is a tiny bit of pink in this green quilt!

*************Home blessing******************

I did laundry, changed sheets and towel, vacuumed, swept and mopped, cleaned bathrooms and did dishes.  I love to be off on Mondays, because that is home blessing  day!!  Now I off to make rice pudding.


Hope you are having a lovely Monday!!!



---"Love" said...

Your green strings are going to make a very pretty quilt, and a little touch of pink, or maybe another one or two, will be a great eye-catcher. So many options for the layout! ---"Love"

Pattypiecer said...

I love the green. I fell in love with string quilts a few years back when our guild had one as a mystery quilt. When my scraps start overflowing, I start making string blocks....
Use up, re use, no waste.

Tired Teacher said...

Rice pudding is yummy!

Nice job on the string blocks. I especially like the setting in the last photo.

Binsa said...

love rice pudding will enjoy seeing the final layout of the strings

Nana said...

I made one string doing it.
Your green is fantastic!

AnnieO said...

I'm not sure I'll ever make a string quilt, but yours look great! I like the second layout wit the vertical lightning !

Chantal said...

You must be a saint doing all these things in one day, lol. Rice pudding sounds so good but it's way too long to make. Love your green strings blocks. Love, love the first layout. It is so interesting and pleasing to the eyes, well mine anyway. ;^D It is different and fresh, and somehow, I got a vision of a garden with lettuce, string beans, carrots and beets (with pink stems) on each sides of a path. Just lovely Julie. Enjoy the rice pudding for me please? ;^)

Chantal said...

No! Wait! It's not a path ... they are cabbages. Sorry, my mistake. (lol) ;^)

Missy Shay said...

I haven't had rice pudding in years, I need to make some!

Nancy said...

I'm impressed that you have so many green strings, Julie. It's always fun to make a bunch of blocks then play with the layout, don't you think? I wonder what layout you'll choose! Whatever it is I know it will be wonderful.

Leeanne said...

It brings out the Irish in me! Home is the best place isn't it!

GO STARS! said...

Green is my favorite color. And string quilts are so fun. I love yours! I've been saving scraps for a scrappy string quilt.

Kleine Vingers said...

It looks great, string quilts are fun. Love the layout with the blocks horizontally and the rest just triangles. Greetings

Chookyblue...... said...

They look fantastic..... Love all the patterns..... will be hard to decide which one to choose.....

Karen said...

My favorite layout is the one in the last picture. You had lots of green strings and I think the pink adds pizzazz!

Little Penpen said...

You amaze me with all that you get done! Love the green strings!


What pretty squares and soooo many different ways you can make the design for the quilt--
will be waiting to see which combo you choose!!
enjoy the moments and send me some rice pudding--di

Rina Mason said...

I like all the layouts but the first one is my favorite and I may just have to steal the idea, with your permission of course. You're much more organized than I am with your strips sorted by color. I just rummage through mine until I find something that works. String quilts as so relaxing to make. I'm tired just reading about all you've done.

Elaine Adair said...

Soooooo, which one are you choosing? I LOVE string quilts - wonderful to use even the little bits. Good job, whichever design you choose.

Kyle said...

Both of those layouts are fun and very modern. That little bit of pink is perfect. It adds a spark of contrast. I really should do a string quilt some day. I love how they look.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The top setting is really cool!

Janet O. said...

Oh, my goodness, these look wonderful!! And I love that pinch of pink. : )
You are a super woman if you can get all of that done on Monday and still have time to quilt. Teach me how!

Rose Marie said...

LOVE the last setting and the pink just adds a bit of unexpected zing!

jude's page said...

Love your string blocks, and I am sure you will come up with the perfect layout. I don't throw anything away, and have all my scraps from years of quilt making, but not sorted, yet. It's on the gunna do list.

Lori said...

So many fun ways to set them!

audrey said...

String quilts are just addictive! Love those greens!

gayle said...

I love those bits of rogue pink peeking out!
I've got a string quilt in my future,because of beautiful ones like this!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...