Saturday, April 8, 2017

Something new that was not on my list!

 This quilt has been cut out for a year or so...and suddenly it too, demanded to be worked on!! 

Rosie is helping me, here...I had just given her a bath,  and she was quite put out about her bath for half a day...but now she is OK!! I am forgiven such treachery!!

Here is where I am, so far....we shall see how the blocks might be laid out. 

Happy Saturday to everyone!!



Karen said...

Still on a list. Just a secondary list. I pulled out an old project and am trying to figure out where I was on it and move forward on it.

---"Love" said...

Looks really good to me so far. Lovely colors and nice layout! ---"Love"

Donna Keating said...

Very very cute. Both the quilt and the sweet dog. ;)

Sherrill said...

It just amazes me how quickly you move once you get started!! I sputter and choke and fizzle out! HA

AnnieO said...

Very pretty! Rosie pouts for half a day, that's hilarious

Tired Teacher said...

Is that a Bento Box pattern?

Love how Rosie is right in the thick of things.

Janet O. said...

I like this, Julie. There seems to be movement in the blocks. And I have always found blue/green color schemes soothing.
Rosie is pretty funny. Sulking for half a day about a bath? : )

Chantal said...

I believe this is the first blue and green quilt I see on your blog, am I right? I love blue and green together. So serene. It reminds me that I should finish my B/G quilt. Bento Box quilt is so easy to put together. Now you are inspiring me for my floral bundle. Love what you've done so far. Happy to hear Rosie isn't afraid to speak up when she has something on her mind, lol. Enjoy! ;^)

Loris said...

Very pretty :-) I love this pattern and the blue and green are soothing and cheerful. Which is surely why Rosie needed to check it out. Those baths...mud is so much for fun :-)

Lori said...

That is a great pattern as it keeps the eye moving across the quilt.


How pretty is that quilt top--love the color combo--
it is fun to pick a project that one has wanted to do for so long-
and actually start it--even more fun when it is finished though!!!
so keep going----
enjoy the moments, di

Randy D. said...

What a great little quilt!! And the darling puppy?? Too cute!

YankeeQuilter said...

Looking good! I'm lucky that my Watson only has a memory about 10 minutes long...once dry he totally forgets he had a bath!

GRANNYcanQUILT said...

Is Rosie a poodle or poodle mix? We have two male standard poodles, Tigg and Théo. Both are black and I find their opinions to be quite helpful. Théo is especially good at deciding where on the floor to put the contents of my scrap basket. He roots through it every day looking for scraps to carry around in his mouth!

Kyle said...

Very cute block in cool colors. It might not have been on your current list, but it is now.

Chookyblue...... said...

love blue and green together...........

Terry said...

I love those colors and that pattern! I've been collecting batiks and they might be perfect put into a quilt like this one. :0)

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...