Wednesday, April 26, 2017


 Hey!!!  I saw a new way to use strings!!!  Please see Rose Marie's blog here.

See what she is doing with her strings??  I was in instant love with this idea, and she kindly encouraged me to make my own quilt, using this idea!  Yahoo!  I was on it, today...and have been cutting out pieces to make my own string pieced chevrons.  I think her quilt is just beautiful!!  Thank you, Rose Marie.

I have love admired Rose Marie's precision piecing and joy she finds in displaying her quilts and quilt tops.  Love, love!!!
 The Cheri Payne blocks are going together like this.  Just need some more time...and this one will be in one piece!!
 This is what is for dessert, tonight...
 And the Zinnias are blooming!!  First tiny bloom, right here.
 Theses are the bees that I am trying to encourage to stay...they are gathering pollen from all over, and I hope that they stay for the flowers.  This is part of their back door, in the wood pile.
The tomatoes are growing.  There was a nice rain today, and that encouraged them, I hope.


I am sorry I was griping on my last post about the mandatory nursing training that went on this week...but tomorrow?  I have to go to another 3 hours class!  This one is about diffusing difficult, dangerous situations, where you are attacked by a patient or family member.  I hear it is very physical and a lot of moves are practiced on each other.  Hope I never, ever have to take someone down or defend myself this way!!  Wish me luck...


Have a great day!



Loris said...

That chevron quilt looks like a lot of fun! I love strippy quilts like that and the strings totally add to it.
I'm am so sorry to hear about tomorrow's class. We had to do that class every dang year. The first one was so bad and inappropriate though that I refused to repeat it for a couple of years. It was taught by some martial arts guy. was so horrible. They finally got the education department to do it and it became appropriate and mostly just annoying. They just showed us passive ways of getting out of someone's grasp etc. Then they finally hired security guards for the ED and things improved. It is a crazy world. You can vent all you need! I'm listening and praying for you :-)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Good luck in that class. I used French braids (like your strings) for a border on a Round Robin quilt, years ago. It was fun, and added flair to the quilt.

Leeanne said...

Look at all that yummy produce! Right I'm off to check out the blog your linked to.

Nancy said...

Thanks for highlighting the chevron quilt and giving us the link to the blog post about it. Maybe it will be one of my next quilts. Maybe....

My daughter works as a nurse in Lexington, Kentucky, and she's had several experiences where she and coworkers have had to defend themselves. One man had a woodcarving knife and used it to attack a nurse -- who would have ever guessed! I hope your class tomorrow is better than you imagine, Julie, but I also hope you never have to use what you learn!

Rose Marie said...

You are not wasting any time!!! I don't press every seam right away, just finger press and pin the seam and I'm ready to add another strip. This speeds up the process.

I look forward to seeing more!

Janet O. said...

What a wonderful quilt to "mimic"! It is so scrappy and beautiful. The vines are such a nice touch. Your kind of quilt, for sure! : )
Oh, those strawberries look yummy!
I hope you never need to diffuse a dangerous situation, but it is always good to know how.

Chookyblue...... said...

I saw Rose Marie's and loved it.........

Libby in TN said...

Well, slap my forehead! Why haven't I thought of that? I've made several braid quilts, just never thought of using up my strings.

Julierose said...

Oh I love her quilt, too..have fun...hugs, Julierose

Tired Teacher said...

Braids from strings - how clever and beautiful.

The training does sound physical. I hope you never have to use the technique, but it's best to be prepared.

KaHolly said...

You'll have a lovely, stringy, chevron quilt in no time! Good luck with that training. XO

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a fantastic way to use strings!!! Thank you for sharing Rose Marie's post.

Lori said...

So many wonderful things in your post today! The strings look like fun!
I hope your class goes well and that you'll never have to use it.

Mary Ann said...

I would say that unfortunately people in hospitals need it. We had the husband of a patient shoot and kill her nephew a couple of years back and we have had at least 2 people wander thru and try to snatch babies.......

julieQ said...

Mary Ann!! Wow, that is awful...hope I never ever have to encounter death in that fashion!!

Binsa said...

Enjoyed your post today Julie....I found in my career.....with training......I always learnt one thing new...

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...