Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rosie Posie Poodle!!

 The binding game continues! The game is seeing how much I can get bound, in 30 minutes, and do it every night. I finished this binding last night.  The baby it was meant for in the first place will at last have his little quilt!
 I finished this block today.  It is hand applique, and is designed by Cheri Payne.  I just love that she gives the basic basket pattern, and then shapes...and you decide where they go!  Great, great fun!
Here is where I am on the green strings quilt. Please excuse the other blocks scattered about on the floor...the thing that tickled me was Rosie, my poodle!  She was intently watching TV!   Whenever she sees a dog on TV, she barks. She is a never ended source of fun and amusement for me!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Rebecca in AK said...

Your 30 minutes of binding is sure doing the trick! Such a sweet baby quilt. Love, love your basket block. And great progress on your green string blocks. Rosie sounds like a hoot!

Karen said...

I see you are playing along with Cheri's basket patterns. So much fun!

Chantal said...

Love the little blue quilt. Well done on keeping up with the 30 minutes hand sewing. The Cheri's QAL is so different and sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy! ;^)

Binsa said...

Enjoyed your post Julie

Ninigret Quilters said...

A-DORABLE! The pineapple blossom quilt is perfect! Bonnie Hunter taught that workshop for our guild last fall and it has become my go-to quilt for babies.

Loris said...

Pretty quilt pictures and your sweet poodle...makes for a good Monday :-)

Tired Teacher said...

Breaking down a task into time segments makes it more manageable and less tiresome.

Rosie is a hoot! I can only imagine the joy she creates each day.

KaHolly said...

Nice work, as always! Has she watched The Secret Life of Pets yet? It's pretty funny. She'll like it! XO

Rose Marie said...

Isn't it amazing what 30 mins. can produce? that reminds me, I have a quilt to bind too .... Sweet quilt for a little guy.

Janet O. said...

As long as the baby that will receive that blue quilt is still small enough to use it, you are doing really well. My recipients have been known to outgrow the quilt before I finish it. : )
I like Cheri's idea, too. It has been fun to see the different interpretations.
Oh, your little Rosie is so cute.

Kyle said...

A beautiful say quilt finish. Your binding challenge has certainly been successful for you in the evenings. Rosie Doesn't seem to mind that you put your quilt blocks in her tv watching area.

Lori said...

Too funny about Rosie!! Congrats on completing the baby quilt. I'm done commiting to a specific time, it seems as soon as I say it, I fail! LOL

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...