Sunday, May 17, 2015

A doll quilt swap!

Look here!!!!  Cheri is having a quilt along, Everyday Patchwork.  I am sewing along, kind of, LOL!
 This is the little quilt I made for Lori of Humble Quilts doll quilt swap.  It is hand quilted, and was great fun to make!!
And guess what?  I just received my little quilt from the swap!  This was made by Melissa, who blogs here:  It is machine quilted, and just lovely!!  Thank you so much, Melissa!!  Melissa is a talented quilter, and I am so glad I know about her blog from this swap.  She made a DEAR JANE quilt!!  Love that!

Have a wonderful day, each of you!!



Sandy said...

I am making Cheri's blocks, too! Aren't they fun? I Just got started last week so am way behind. I've made eight so far and just pulled fabrics for block nine. I'll post them soon....

Both your exchange quilts are darling. Makes me wish I would have participated this year ~

Leeanne said...

So cute!

Karen said...

I haven't made any of Cheri's sew-along blocks. Am wondering what the finished product will look like.
Your four patch doll quilt is sweet. And love the colors of the one you received.

Chantal said...

That is a lovely little quilt you've received. I didn't know about Cheri's quilt along but I will hop over there now and have a look. Thanks Julie.

Lori said...

Both little quilts are so cute!
After seeing everyone's samplers of Cheri's I wish I would have started it when she did.

Jeanne said...

Wonderful little quilts!

Missy Shay said...

How fun, the quilts are pretty!

Kyle said...

The little four patch you made for the doll quilt swap is so sweet with the pinks and Browns. And the one you received is adorable too. I love the pink and cheddar together. Looks like it was a successful swap.

AnnieO said...

Very sweet little quilts! I'm working on mine today for Lori's swap.

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you like it Julie! I had fun with the swap and dove right in :) I would have loved to have hand quilted it, but I'm afraid you wouldn't have seen it until November if I had! LOL

The quilt you made is cute!

Janet O. said...

Cheri's blocks have tempted me, but I have resisted--so far!
You made a sweet little quilt and got a very sweet one in return. : )

Cathy said...

I love your Cheri blocks. I've been writing the blocks up in EQ7 and hope to start on them soon. Both your giving doll quilt and receiving doll quilt are beautiful. Hugs

Linda O said...

Both doll quilts.are darling! Seeing the little pretties sure makes me wish I jumped in. Your blocks are looking great! So many great projects to do!

audrey said...

They look great! Love the idea of making small quilts, but never really do.:) The gift quilt is especially sweet.

Kim said...

Oh boy love your pink and brown doll quilt.....maybe it will arrive at my house???
I mailed mine but haven't received my swap quilt yet :0).

Love you medallion quilt...nicely done!

Happy Sewing

Danice G said...

All gorgeous quilts. I participated in Lori's doll quilt swap also. So much fun. Will go check out Cheri;s sew-along :)


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...