Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A crooked piano!! and a WINNER!!

 A border!!  Jeni from the Willow's quilt is a top.  I lack just a little bit of applique stitching yet...but decided to put it together anyway.  I decided to make a piano key border, out of my smallest plaid scraps.
 Here is when I was thinking about the border...LOL!!
 I put it up on my dining room wall to think about it a little bit.  A design wall!!  But I must not use it as such...that old wall paper would fall apart!!
I made this quilt a long time ago...it is hand quilted.  I was just was looking at it, and I don't know if I have shared it before.

***************************Winner of the Binding Blitz for March!!!  And on to April!!

Congratulations, number eight!!  That happens to be...Dolores, who blogs at the True Blue Canadian!  Congratulations, Dolores!!  The fun of this whole Binding Blitz is that I am discovering new-to-me blogs...I love it!

I had one lady who sent me a picture of her lovely quilt, that she had bound.  I loved it!!  For the life of me, I could not get the picture to download to my computer, so I could show you....I will try again this month if that happens.  Thank you, everyone, for your participation.  I have something special as the prize for April Binding Blitz prize, which I will show soon.  So keep finishing up your bindings, friends!!!


Have a great day, all!!!



LuAnn said...

Your quilts are just gorgeous, and I think that piano key border was just perfect for the quilt. I am really loving all of these sampler quilts that I'm seeing.

Angie said...

Your 'Jenni's Willows' quilt is gorgeous, Julie :) I think maybe I should start working on that one. After all, I haven't started anything new in ages, and haven't finished anything in ages either! LOL I really do love this applique quilt tho, and after all, it is spring...Hmmmmm, I just might do that... :)

Marly said...

Beautiful kaleidoscope quilt; I love how the circles appear when the blocks are put together.

Loris said...

Congrats to Delores! and to all of us who got bindings done :-)
I love your version of Jeni's quilt. Is the second quilt a Winding Ways pattern? ..or is that different?! Anywho...it is loverly :-)

Lori said...

Love how you finished the quilt with that border! Super!!

WoolenSails said...

I love how your quilt came out and the border, that is one of my favorites to do on quilts, brings it all together so nicely.


Tired Teacher said...

The piano key border looks great on the quilt.

Missy Shay said...

Your quilts look great!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Congrats to Delores! Love your folky quilt and the piano key border is a perfect choice!

Kyle said...

Your folk style quilt looks great with the piano key border. Great idea. I didn't see any thing too crooked. Those keys look straight to me.

Teresa in Music City said...

Such gorgeous inspiration on your blog today Julie! YUM!!! I had a binding blitz quilt to share but never found the time to write up the post - next month I'll be sure to join in. Congrats to the winner :)

Chantal said...

Jeni from the Willows is GOOORRRGEOUS! Yes the piano border is perfect. Congrats on this beautiful finish.
Maybe the picture hasn't download in your picture file but it could be hiding in you download file. It happened to me before so have a look. Just saying :)

Janet O. said...

That border is a perfect finish to this delightful quilt!
I love your scrappy creations, Julie.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
wonderful Jeni from the Willow's quilt top. I love the colors and the layout. What a nice applique quilt.
The finished handquilted quilt is gorgeous as well.
And the fabrics arrived, thank you so much, they are so beautiful. Very precious fabrics, thank you Julie.

Shirley said...

I love the quilts you make, the piano keys border is a favorite of mine :-). If you cant download a photo on your computer, there is An other way, called screenshot. Look on your keyboard for the button, it says print screen.. Your computer makes a photo of the screen you are looking at, and saves it where you want, and afterwards you can crop the photo so you can show it on your blog. Or on the Mac its Cmd-arrow up-4 and now you can select the part of the screen you want to save. If you never heard of screenshot, just Google in YouTube, plenty of tutorials.

Barb said...

Your quilt looks great - that piano border was a great idea!

Vic in NH said...

You make the sweetest designs and this quilt is no exception, it looks great! I cannot imagine wherever it could need anymore applique.

Nann said...

Very appealing, and the border is perfect.

Karen said...

I haven't had time for stitching more blocks for the sew-along quilt but have blocks I haven't shown. The piano key border is a good choice. I haven't thought that far ahead.

Me and My Stitches said...

I just love your Willows quilt - the piano key border is absolutely perfect! I may get to participate in your binding blitz in the next couple of months! I have 2 that I'm sending off to be quilted and also have a few Simple What-Nots (Kim Diehl) that will be ready for binding soon!

KaHolly said...

More beauties! Your border is a perfect fit. Congrats to Delores!

audrey said...

Love that border addition! It really wraps up the whole quilt very nicely.:)

Quilter Kathy said...

Beautiful! Are you going to stitch the words on yours?
Love your winding ways quilt!

6th Generation Quiilter, Crafter said...

Love what you did to the quilt! I really like your applique work! Well done! It's a very pretty quilt.

Jeni said...

Hi Julie! Jeni from the Willow here! I love how you finished the quilt! Beautiful!!!! Well done!!!!
Thanks for following along and sharing it on your blog!!

Rebecca in AK said...

I love both of your quilts!! The piano key border is just the perfect finish for the applique quilt!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Hi Julie! I'm your newest GFC follower and I happily added you to my blogroll. Iam looking forward to joining your Binding Bliss linky in the future! I hope ya stop by and not only join us on TUesdays for my linky but if ya like what ya see, follow too! Look forward to your future projects!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

PS: I added your linky to my "party" page!

Ruth said...

The applique quilt is adorable! One of these days I want to make a quilt of that style.

Patty H. said...

Beautiful! and love the border.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That border is perfect. It really sets off the quilt.


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...