Monday, August 25, 2014

Well maybe a few more...

Well, I am rolling on these blocks!!  I am making these out of 2.5 inch squares, and using 1.5 inch squares, using the connector corners method to make the stars.  I am thinking I could make baby quilts in a hurry from this pattern!  Or hospital quilts for the cancer patients.  I am using only my brightest colors out of the 2.5 inch bin.  Having great fun here!!  Thank you Terry for your inspiration!

Now...on to the cleaning part.  I did wash all the bedding and bathroom and vacuuming.  Sigh....



Teri said...

Very cute. This would be a great leader/ender project.

Terry said...

Wow! Those blocks look great! You'll have a bunch of quilts done before I get mine made! LOL

Karen said...

These star blocks would make good kid's quilts especially with the bright colors.

Pam said...

Wow - how does it feel to fly?? Lol! Looks great :)

Quilter Kathy said...

These are really pretty! I might have to make one or two of them!

Janet O. said...

Look at you go! I had been considering making this on a smaller scale than the charm squares. So very cute! Nice job, Julie!!

Anonymous said...

Are you sleeping?! Lol

Nancy said...

I should have done this on a project that I just finished. Drat! I hope I will remember it when sewing nine-patches together.

Sherrill said...

I've done quite a few similar blocks only using Bonnie Hunter's Maverick star style. FUN!

Leeanne said...

Bright and cheerful, just perfect!

Kyle said...

It seems like these blocks are as addictive as M&M's or potato chips! You're on a roll.

Rebecca in AK said...

These blocks are so bright and scrappy they just cheer you up and make you smile! I hope the house work goes quickly so you can make some more!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Wonderful idea, such happy colors, thank you for sharing.

Lesley said...

Looks like it will be a beautiful quilt with all those bright colors. Great idea for using your stash!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Precious, happy little stars!! I love them!!!

Ruth said...

I love it! I want to do one some day. Too bad we have to clean.

helen said...

Oh, what progress!!!Congratulations!
I am just waiting for my fabric and so looking forward to start this quilt! ( should finish many other things though...)Will make it in the shades of Terry's tutorial.
Best wishes!

Loris said...

Fun blocks! Great idea for some sweet quilts.
ACLS today :-)

Lori said...

Very cute and looks like it would make a great leader/ender.

Vic in NH said...

Your Alaska vacation pictures are simply breathtaking, thanks for sharing them here! I'm green with envy but glad for you. And you have been on a creative burst of energy with some many beautiful scrappy projects. Great going!

Helen in the UK said...

Great blocks! As others have said, would make a great leader/ender project if you wanted to have blocks on hand for emergency quilts :)

KaHolly said...

Looking good!! Star blocks are so much fun to make and your choice of the brightest fabrics in your stash make yours the 'funnest'!!


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...