Monday, March 25, 2013

Hand Quilting, and Rainbow offerings in Orange

 Good Monday to everyone!  The color of the month is I made some string stars, and of course some broken dishes blocks from the trimmings.  Seems one thing just leads to the other!
 And some more orange too.  These are four inches finished.  I still need to hand applique the handles, in a moment of quietness.
And table runner progress!!  On the left are the finished ones, hand quilted...the middle ones are in various stages of progress...and the ones on the right are waiting to be sandwiched and quilted.  I am trying, really trying, to get ahead of Christmas this year!!

********************Nurse's Notes**************************

Very sick, sick patients in our unit this past few days.  Renal failure after surgery, lung of it happened and so much more.  I am glad that yesterday, most of the patients improved significantly!!  We had one family who were bound and determined to find everything wrong in everything we did...until a very special young nurse took things into her own hands...and had them satisfied at the end of the weekend...great job girlie!!

The new nurses are coming along just fine...treading water at least, in the deep end of the pool of nursing.


Have a great day, everyone!!



Angie said...

Lovely runners and blocks, Julie. :) Nursing truly does take a special kind of person to handle all of the daily stresses.

Mary said...

Yum! Love that orange! It's all bright and happy and makes me want to squee!

I've got to the point where I love the challenge of difficult families. I don't win them all, but I sure try!
I've concluded that when we want to tell them that we are not the enemy, we need to realize that they are not the enemy either! My favorite line is,"Let's work together for the greater good of your loved one!"

Lori said...

You are crazy and amazing! Love your orange goodness!

Karendianne said...

Gosh you ARE getting ahead of Christmas. The orange is so pretty. Love it. So glad I stopped in.

Missy Shay said...

You've been busy! I've been trying to get ahead on Christmas projects also!

KaHolly said...

Don't know how you accomplish so much! The orange blocks are stunning. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

Merilyn said...

The orange blocks are looking great, and I love your table-runners, and no it's definitely not too early to be getting ready for Christmas LOL!!!! I should take a leaf out of your book and get started myself LOL!!!!
Yes, we've had a very busy time of it at my unit as well!!!! Our ED dept had several MH pts last evening, I'll be going in on an afternoon shift later today and see what how many of them made it down to us!!! Our 40 bed unit rarely has empty beds for long!!!!

regan said...

You totally know I'm such a fan of orange....and these blocks are FANTASTIC! Yay!

Leeanne said...

What a great sparkle the orange makes! those table runners are going to be lovely when you have finished them.

Janet O. said...

I LOVE orange! Great, glowing blocks, Julie. : )
What fun runners. Come December you will be so glad you did this!

Nancy said...

Orange is not one of my favorite colors, but your blocks definitely make it appealing. Nice job.

Sounds like the young nurse has a good mentor: I think her name is JulieK

Kyle said...

All of your orange project are so cute. The little baskets are so vibrant and fun!

AnnieO said...

I love orange! It's the color I am most drawn to in flowers too, so cheerful and bright. Love your coin tablerunners--I need to clear out my 1.5" strip drawer and have had coins in mind myself.

Glad your new nurses are doing well!

libbyquilter said...

mmmm, yes, you have made orange look tempting. love your string stars and those small baskets are so cute~!

i've popped over from Lori's (Humble Quilts). sometimes it's fun to meet someone new from the comments section links and i have found your blog to be fun and full of fabulous projects. i'm glad i stopped by.


Helen in the UK said...

Those orange blocks look wonderfully bright and cheery. I used to not like orange very much, but recently I've been warming to it!! Great job on your xmas presents :)

Karen said...

The orange quilt blocks remind me of orange juice. Kissed by the sun!

Loris said...

The orange blocks remind me of Creamsicles :-) Very fun way of using the color orange.
Strong work getting gifts ready early and new nurses too! It sounds like you have some fine people coming into your ranks. The challenges really seem to deepen some days. I like what Mary Walker wrote.

Nicky said...

Orange - both totaly gorgeous

farmhousequilter8 said...

Julie, Do you care to share the size of the orange broken dishes and the orange string stars? Any cutting instructions for these.
I have wanted to do an orange quilt and I love these together.
Thanks Paula in KY


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...