Monday, September 13, 2010

GO! cutter giveaway!! and look at these nine patches too!

Guess what!? I get to give one of these Go! Accuquilt cutters and dies away! So...what do you think...want a chance? Just leave me a comment on this post, and you are in the drawing!! The drawing closes 9-20-10 at 3 please comment! I have debated about doing the dies separately, and decided to draw for everything together, so whomever wins can start cutting right away. That was a hard call!! If you already have a cutter, you could keep your choice of dies and give away the cutter again. Anyway, leave a comment and a random number will be picked for the winner.

Nine patches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have received the loveliest mail lately...just look at these nine patches sent in for the swap!!!
These are from Susan, from North Carolina...aren't they just gorgeous? She is such a talented quilter...wish she had a blog so we could enjoy all her work!! Thank you so much, Susan!! She also did 3 inch nine patches too...And fabric too...yummy!
Dear Subee...just look at what she sent!! Gorgeous nine patches, fabric...and let me tell you, these were made in a big hurry! She spent three solid days working on these, just to fill in for someone who had to drop out of the swap...thank you so much Subee! And pretty red fabric that goes immediately into the dear Jane quilt I am working on. Please go and visit her at
And look some more...these were sent by Elyte, all the way from Australia. These are just the cutest little three inch nine patches ever! And....she sent chocolate!! and fabric!! Weight watchers...please look away just so I can enjoy this chocolate...thank you , Elyte!!
These gorgeous nine patches were sent by Laurie in Ohio...aren't they just so pretty!? Guess what? She sent me my first Schnibbles pattern! How cool is that, and a card and it! Thank you, Laurie!!
Now, just look at fun and wonderful are these nine's!!? They are scrappy and wonderful, and just the most fun! Fabric too...thank you to Vicki in Connecticut!! Now that scrappy girl is after my own heart!!

Everyone, please remember to comment on this post for a chance on the Go! cutter and dies....



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Sarah or Semmy said...

I have tried so many times to win a GO on many Blogs that I am about to give up, but no way, I will try one more time since it is the only way I will ever be able to get one. Count me in the drawing for the Go Cutter please.

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win the GO! Cutter. Thanks to you and Accuquilt for the chance.
The 9 patches are looking so good. I'm kicking myself for not joining in. I thought about it but have been burned in the past on swaps so decided not to. But I can see by the pictures that these are well made and nice fabrics. You will all have lovely quilts from this swap.

Patty said...

Isn't it fun to get all those goodies in the mail. Thanks for the great giveaway. I'd love to have a GO cutter.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Please enter me in the Go! giveaway. (contact email in case I win:

Marilyn (no blog)

Winona said...

Please enter me for the GO. I would love to win one of these. Love those nine patches. Winona

Becky said...

Hi Julie,
I could feel your pain with the decision on this giveaway. It's a generous one. Thank you for taking the time to host this giveaway. Like everyone else, I would love to have my own GO! Enjoy your GO!

Take care!

Grey Cat said...

OH! I'd love to be entered in this contest!

Your nine patches look great! I had a lot of fun making a nine-patch quilt a bit ago.

Penny said...

Please put my name in the hat. Thanks

Laila L S said...

Thanks for the chance to win a GO! I would love to win, please pick my name...

Linda said...

I have used the Go at my LQS store and love IT!!! What I could do with such a wonderful machine.

Linda said...

I have used the Go at my LQS store and love IT!!! What I could do with such a wonderful machine.

quiltmom anna said...

Well, I have been wishing for a go cutter because I have seen so many others having fun with it. Someone is going to be jumping up and down with joy when you pick their name.
Thank you for the chance to win-
I think your 9 patches are very fun- it will be a terrific quilt when you are finished.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

Wendy said...

Julie, what a beautiful quilt you have posted! What a really nice giveaway ... please count me in!

Trisha said...

Oh, I would love an Accuquilt Go! They look like so much fun!

MJinMichigan said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I've been reading about them on lots of blogs and wish I had one of my own. Thanks for the chance to win one!

Michelle said...

Wow...I just came across your blog and discovered you have a giveaway for the Go! I would like to be entered if you don't mind! I would love to own one! Love the nine's my favorite block!

Christine M said...

Thanks for the chance to win an Accuquilt. They look like it's something every quilter needs!

Lorraine said...

I think one of the Go Cutters would be great for alleviating the shoulder pain I suffer now!

Cassy said...

Oh, I am drooling. Both over the GO and the gorgeous Nine Patches! Woot Woot!!

Jocelyn said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for including me.

LindaNan said...

I would love to be added to the drawing!

gag7949 said...

Beautiful 9-patches and beautiful quilt in your header. I am new to your blog and adding you to my Google Reader. Sorry I missed the 9-patch swap. Thanks for another opportunity to win a GO!

Heartsdesire said...

Please count me in for the GO! cutter giveaway. Love the nine patches you are receiving. It's my very favourite quilt block.

HegeT said...

Ohhh, what a nice price...
Please enter my name.

HegeT, Norway

The Quilted Finish said...

Would love a chance to win the GO! cutter. Thanks for the opportunity.

Nan S. said...

Love the nine patches - and would also love to win the GO!

Unknown said...

I love plaids, too. I would love to win the GO...that would be fantastic. Thank you for your dedicated service as an RN.

SueB said...

WOW!! What a great give away. I sure could use one. And the nine patches look great.

Karen said...

After cutting a few hundred 2" squares this past weekend and finding out how inaccurate some of them are, I could really use this machine. Holy moly it takes a long time to cut all those little pieces. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name for the Go! cutter. I love the quilt in your blog header!!!

Cindy B in PA

Sydney said...

OK let's 'GO'ing on this conteast! What a wonderful prize for someone...maybe me??

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! Would be great to win.

Just JaiCi's Crafts said...

AMAZING give-away! I have been dying to get my hands on a GO! cutter for MONTHS!!!
Here's keeping my fingers crossed...

Cindy said...

I'd love to win the GO! Please count me in! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Oddbjørg said...

So many beautiful nine patch blocks!
Oh, I wish; I wish that I could be the lucky winner.
Thanks for giving me a chance!

Teresa said...

Count me in please..what fun!

Stina Blomgren said...

What a response... please dont respond to my mail... I know.. pheeeww :o)) But I´d love to have a GO on the GO ;o) ... even if I live in Sweden...

needletat said...

I would love to with and Go! Please add my post to the drawing. Thanks!

SewWhatsNew said...

Thanks for the chance to win the Go. It would be a wonderful addition to any quilter, so I hope to win.

Lise said...

Be my angel and let me win :-)

lalebla said...

Gosh, I need an AccuQuilt GO bad! Thank you for the opportunity to win one with dies! Lisa in Texas

sewshort said...

love your blog.........all those super 9-patches. I would also very much love to win the GO!

Marilyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

Please count me in to win the GO! Thanks for the chance. I am working on my 9-patches, should be done soon.

Brigitte said...

Put my name in the draw for the GO cutter. Thanks.

Anne Simonot said...

Wow! Please enter me in your draw, too, please. Those Accu cutters look like the best thing ever!

MoeWest said...

I would love to win a GO! Thanks for the chance.

Kim said...

I would love to win. Thank you for the awesome prize.

Mom said...

What an awesome tool...would love to win it too. Love your blog~


Julie S said...

Oh, how I would love to win one of these go cutters! I keep entering at different blogs, but no one draws my name! Well, I am happy for whoever wins, as this is a great prize!

Shari said...

I'd better enter as winning one is the only way I'd ever have a GO!

marie said...

I would love to win a GO cutter! Thanks for the chance!

crazy4mycrafts said...

What a great giveaway!!! Count me in!

Sandy said...

Please count me in on the give away. Been looking at the go's they look fun and easy.

Marilyn Robertson said...

Oh I would love to win a Go Cutter! Hope you pick my number! :) The Nine Patches are fantastic!

Laura said...

Count me in! Less time spent cutting means more time spent sewing! Sounds great to me!

Quilt Rat said...

Please count me in the Go cutter draw. I think every quilter would love to own one.
I am currently working on a nine patch set on point....hundreds and hundreds of 2"squares....wish I had a GO when I started this

lplayter said...

Would love to have a chance to win a GO! I've heard lots of good reviews. Thanks for the opportunity
Linda P

Rosie said...

Great blog and amazing prize!

Penny from S.C. said...

Love your little nine patches. I can't find much plaid around here. Would love to be in the drawing for the GO! Thanks

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance to win! I don't have a Go! yet but I dream of one often. :-)

pinsandgiggles said...

Love your quilts! Please enter me in the give away...WOW it would be great to win!

Lesly said...

I'd love one of these gadgets so much! Fingers crossed!!!!!

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I SO want to win a GO! cutter!

Nanbon44 said...

I would love to win the GO cutter, it would make my life so much easier

Liz said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

justpeggy said...

I am working on my plaid quilt you made and showed. Still have a way to go.
Would love the GO!

Janice said...

I love your plaid string quilt on your blog. It is inspirational.

Please enter me for the Go Cutter giveaway and thank you for taking time to blog.

Doodlebug Gail said...

What lovely 9-patches! Please add me to your giveaway list - I'd love to win a Go Cutter!

Quilt Doodles said...

Thanks for a chance to win a Go. I have to come back and see what you do with the 9 Patches. I love anything 9-patch.

Aunt 'Reen said...

Wish I found your blog sooner! I would have loved to participate in your 9 patch swap! All those blocks are wonderful!

Thanks for having this fabulous Giveaway too! I would love to have my name entered for the GO Cutter!


Quilting Lab said...

Well, Julie thanks for the giveaway! Your string quilt, patches, and plaids are all very nice ....and inspiring!!
Thanks, Sherry

Texan said...

Am I to late to enter? Hope not!!!

Sara said...

Maybe--could it be me!!

Unknown said...

Please count me in! Would love to win a GO!

Michele said...

Hmmm. I wasn't at ALL tempted by the GO cutter until I saw that apple core die. Now I WANT ONE!

Barb said...

Painting with fabric - how fun are all those different nine patches!! It would be amazing to win this cutter.

Bonnie said...

Oooh... the chance to win a go! Sign me up. And I love all your little nine patches.... I have been making some recently too.

Joannie Strange said...

I would love to win this!!! I just found about it too!! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!! Let me know if I'm the winner...sewstrangebnp at hotmail dot com

pecasatwo said...

Hi Julie - couldn't send comment from work - so this is my try from home - I would love to win the GO and you can just mail it back with my nine-patches!! LOL take care - hug - toby

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'd love to be entered into your drawing!

Maria Wallin said...

That's a fantastic prize! Please, I'd love to be in the drawing =)

Anonymous said...

Terrific Give-A-Way....
I would like to give the "GO" a try. Please add me to the give-away.

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

It would be wonderful to win a go, how lucky are you to be able to give one your blog

Patty E said...

Wow, a Go Cutter giveaway!!! Sure would speed up the prep time. Really enjoy your plaid quilts and nursing stories. Keep up the good work!! Patty E.

Christine said...

ohhhh, what a lovely prize! Hoping to be lucky enough to win one of these sweet GO! Cutters :)

priyeni said...

I would love a cutter & dies not available in Sri Lanka. thank you for the offer & thank u for opening the offer internationally

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you for the chance.

The blocks, btw, ARE, beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your plaid quilt. I would also LOVE to win the GO! Maybe this time I will be lucky....Also, the nine patches are great!

Anonymous said...

I would be thrilled to win the GO cutter. Wouldn't it be fun to cut up some plaids with it! Linda in Alabama

Karen said...

I would lov to win a Go cutter. I have not yet tried one, but it looks like it would make cutting go soooomuch faster!

Micki said...

I would just love to win the GO, as it is such a fabulous prize. There are so many dies to have fun with. Thanks for the chance to win!

Vivian said...

After drooling over the GO on so many blogs, I would love to have a chance to win. Thanks!

Bonnie said...

Amazing prize! Please count me in.

The nine patches are adorable!

Ginger Patches said...

Cute nine patches!! Whew I almost missed the great give away...I had to go check the date lol. It would have been just my luck to mosy on by an hour after it ended! But yay I'm on time. What a generous prize :)

SueB said...

I would love to win. Count me in on this one.

Anonymous said...

just found your blog and love it. would love to win the GO !!!!!

Nancy Sue said...

You must love it when the mail truck arrives. Such great 9 patches. Thank you for showing us a bit more about the Go! and having the giveaway!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

Nicki Lundeen said...

I would love to win this Go for my mother-in-law. Hope to get lucky and win this for her.

V. J. said...

Go! Cutter
Go! Dies

What a great prize to win, count me in please :-)

JariJari said...

I would LOVE to be added to the Give-A-Away. What a GREAT prize and opportunity to win a AccuQuiltGO! Cutter. Would LOVE for you to pick my number ! ! ! !

Deb said...

You are so generous! A GO! and the dies to go with it! I'm in love with Winding Ways quilts, and I think I spy the newly-released Winding Ways die behind the Apple Core die on the right.

9-patches are great, and they look so great in the fabrics you've received!

Julie Earsom said...

Please enter me in the drawing for the Go!Cutter and dies giveaway. I so desperately NEED one!! Thanks!
Julie @

Bette I said...

Wow, I was wandering the web and found this site. I have never participated in an exchange but looks like it will be certainly in my future. I would love to win the prize.

Christine said...

What a great giveaway!! Thank you so much :)

jofridsquilt said...

The nine-patches are lovely. Please count me in your drawing. Jofrid

Delores said...

What a great prize, have always wanted to try a Jelly Roll Quilt.

Cecelia said...

What a AWESOME prize! Please count me in it would make me thrilled to pieces!

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Where to start?

This month is pink month at Rainbow Quilts, by Angela.  Since pink is my favorite color, I have just loved seeing all the pink creations!!  ...