Saturday, May 15, 2010

Have you ever wanted to make an Epic quilt? A new Journey!

Well, hmmm.....I have been looking at Dear Jane quilts for years and years...and loving each one. I bought the book earlier in the year, and it has been on my bedside table, teasing me each evening. I would look through the book and say...well, "maybe I could make that one", and "that block is not toooo hard." Today...I made my first block! There are 28 pieces in this 5 inch block, and it is just so exciting to start. I have many projects started, and usually finish each one, it just takes me a long time due to work constraints. So, here I go!! I am so happy and excited! I also found a website, that really helps with directions for each block.
Today is Saturday...and I actually got to make a few Klosjes. I made two the same, and so will use one in another project. I want all of mine to be a little different.

Hope each of you has a wonderful day, and wonderful weekend!!



Amelia said...

That "Dear Jane" would be quite an undertaking...I have not learned the skill of paper piecing...guess I should try it sometime.

Have a wonderful weekend (or what is left of it).

Barb said...

I have wanted to do a Dear Jane for a while now....but keep putting it off...

Pat said...

WOW...I'm are going to do a Dear Jane AND a SBS!!! You go, Girl!!! :)

JayTee said...

I bought the book five years ago and the software program for it last month. I hope to make it one day. Right now I'm doing the Farmer's Wife Sampler ( it does not have as many blocks as Dear Jane). i like what you have gotten done so far.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I wish you so much luck with your Dear Jane. It is a delightful quilt but sometimes you will be ready to throw in the towel! Which method are you using - hand or machine? Just steadily plugging away at it and you will finish it - even if that means several or more years.

Mimi said...

I started DJ some time ago. I work on it, put it away, get it out and make a few more and put it away. I am thinking I may be taking this one to the "home" with me, but I do plan on getting the whole thing done ....someday. Have fun with it.

Sue-Anne said...

Congratulations on your first Dear Jane block. I have made about 15 so far but they are on the back burner at the moment. Don't you get a real thrill when you finish a block because of all the work that goes into it.

Stephanie D said...

Go for it, gal! It has never appealed to me, but I know lots of people tackle it!

A Garden of Threads said...

I wish you luck, on the projects. Yahoo! Take care:)

Karen said...

Congratulations for starting. It all starts with one block. And blogging your progress will keep you accountable. Good luck.

Grethe said...

Your block there looks great! Glad you have started.One for my dreams
I got the book for my birthday in March with some "old" fabrics. So one day,may be.
Good luck with you Dear Jane:-)

Leeanne said...

Loving the spools.The dear Jane quilt will be great.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have always wanted to make an epic quilt and someday, I will. So glad to hear that you are making this journey and I will look forward to watching your progress.

Lori said... are hooked! It only takes one block. I love my DJ and loved making it even more!!

country mouse said...

Good luck on the Dear Jane quilt! I have always admired them, but alas have never been able to stick to making all those little blocks. I'll be cheering for you, I know it will be worth the effort to get one finished (the blocks and quilt). Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!!

Loris said...

Great idea! That's a wonderful website to help you along the way.
I chose to make the quilted diamonds to learn hand piecing and I really enjoy it...except for the prepping part. I can't seem to work that into my day and so I'm stuck. I seem to head for machine piecing before anything else.
I think I will take your post as an inspiration and get to it!

katrien said...

Lovely DJ block ad nice klosjes.

Kaaren said...

Good for you, Julie. I admire your tenacity. I have the book but so far it's only been to look and admire.

Lovely first block and I look forward to following along on your Dear Jane journey.

Elin said...

Welcome to the DJ club! The blocks are addictive. Very fun to make!
And the website is very good.

Trisha said...

Congrats on taking the leap. This seems right up your alley. I bet you will have yours finished before I finish mine. :)

Finn said...

It's an awesome undertaking Julie, but I know you can do it. And, after all, there aren't any time limits on will be grand whenever you get it done. Love the spools, not familiar with what you called them though..wanna enlighten me..? Hugs, Finnie

Quilter Kathy said...

OH no! You will be totally addicted from what I hear!
I am still trying to resist!

Astrid said...

Congrats on your very first DJ block! It looks great! Don't know how many times I have considered to do DJ too, but so far not even bought the book.... I admire all the DJ quilts, whatever colors - they all are gorgeous! Perhaps one day.... What I consider making, is SBS. :)
Very cute klosjers you're making!

Janet said...

Great klosjes, I'm repeating all my fabrics since there are so many or at least I hope there will be.
Enjoy your journey. I bought the book a short while ago but the bug hasn't hit yet.

Wilma Lee said...

I started my DJ venture about 6 years ago and I have about 20 blocks so far, lol. I'm doing all of mine by hand. I have a carrying case with everything I need to work on the blocks when we are away. Guess I need to go away more, lol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should pick back up my blocks for my second Jane Stickle quilt and work along with you. I've been wanting to get back to it so I can have it done for the 150th 'anniversary' of the quilt (2013). Seeing that I'm piecing it all by hand, I *really* need to get with it!

Your first block is lovely, Julie!


Saska said...

I'm one of the few who have no desire to make a DJ quilt. I'll cheer you on, but I'll tackle something else!

Fiona said...

I'll echo Mama Koch - I admire those who do but that level of detail is waaaaaay beyond my capabilities!

Karen said...

Just had to read what an epic quilt is and now I know. A good term for a Dear Jane quilt.

Darcie said...

Good for you on the DJ journey! Sounds like you're going to love it.

Your Klosjes are just darling. I love the dainty little prints.

Glad you found some sewing time, Julie. You deserved every stitch!


Becky said...

What a great attitude towards a project that you really want to make. Thanks for the link to the blog with directions! I've know folks to use a CD with the paper piecing patterns. Is that what you are using?

Where to start?

This month is pink month at Rainbow Quilts, by Angela.  Since pink is my favorite color, I have just loved seeing all the pink creations!!  ...