Thursday, May 13, 2010

All together now!

Tada!!! The oldest UFO is together in one piece, even the borders are on. Yippee, Skippee!! I made the blocks 13 years ago, and now all of them are together, and it is time to celebrate! The blocks are not perfect, but I really love it any way, and am glad I found the hidden old blocks and was able to stick with putting them altogether. Do you have a quilt like this one, waiting in the wings? I did as a few of you had mentioned, and put some yellow in to compensate for the yellow block, and it worked!! Thank you, you smart people out there!

My favorite pieces are the littlest flying geese, and the little broken dishes block. Cute! I need to press the whole top, then get it ready for quilting. I wanted a border that would kind of recede and let the blocks show up, and I think the blue will do that.
This little gadget is a walking foot! Oh, I am so happy to get this, and have a little quilt all put together so I can try it!! This was a wonderful gift from Amelia in Oklahoma, and I thank you so much, Amelia for this gift. Please go and see her blog; when you look up beautiful flowers in the dictionary, her name is there!
And speaking of beautiful flowers...dear husband brought me roses for Mother's day. Thank you darling, I love them so much!!!


Hope each one of you has a wonderful day!



Terry said...

Your quilt top looks great! You did a wonderful job putting all those blocks together! Have fun quilting it! I just love my walking foot! :0)

John'aLee said...

Your quilts are beautiful!

Karen said...

The top really is pretty. And who knows, that yellow may end up finding it's way into another quilt some day. Glad it worked!! Can't wait to see it quilted.

Anonymous said...

The top is fantastic! How fun to have something nearly finished! I have to comment too on the fireplace behind the flowers...looks like mine! Seriously...I had to tke a double take!! I too place flowers on the hearth. :-)

mkhquilts said...

Julie-U love your finished sampler! I am very partial to that kind of quilt anyway. I have made a few like that. They are so fun!

Glad you survived the long stretch. You must be an ER RN...or ICU? You sure had some scarey cases!

Wonky Girl said...

Bless your heart for where you work and what you see every day! Been there myself (retired nurse and U/S tech).
Love the UFO top, very pretty.
I am an avid block swapper (slowed way down) and have many blocks to get into quilts. Been quilting for 8 years and yes I have UFO's that old.

Barb said...

Your quit top is wonderful!!

Leeanne said...

Julie...I clicked on the photo to get a bigger picture...and WOW, that is awesome! I think like you the border supports the quilt, but also lets those glorious blocks shine.

I had tears in my eyes reading about the 20yr old you had in at hospital, I thought of my daughter, she is in a mixed up place in her life and hope she does not end up like that.

Pat said...

I am so sad to hear about that young girl who had so many years ahead of her that will now never be lived by her. I hope the elderly woman recovers. Your completed UFO top is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sharon said...

LOVE the quilt top, these are my favorite types of quilts. Anyone can buy a kit/collection and make up a pattern, but these types really make my heart sing! Nurses notes: man oh man, 20 yrs old, what a deal!

Nancy said...

Every one of your finished projects tops the one before it, and this one is delightful. I love the scrappiness and all the small sections that connect the blocks. Excellent!

Vicki W said...

Your sampler turned out GREAT! You needed that sewing time to deal with your work stress this week for sure.

Lori said...

Yay! I'm doing the happy dance for a terrific finish and an old UFO out of the closet! it is really great!!

Michelle Lovatt said...

Your quilt top turned out beautiful. Old treasures are wonderful to find. I also LOVE my walking foot.

retdairyqueen said...

The quilt looks fantastic I can see why you are pleased with it and so good to find the blocks and get them together after such a long time Well done

*karendianne. said...

Oh friend yet again I find myself in AWE of your talent. I wish I could figure out how to do this. It seems very Math-ish. Truly, how did you do this, friend? Not that I would take the initiative to tackle such a task but Julie, it sure "feels" like it's a quilt that gives a sense of Grand Accomplishment.

Amazed! *karendianne. (aka. Goddessa Binx)

A Garden of Threads said...

The top looks wonderful, time to celebrate another UFO finished. I love my walking foot, have fun:)

Cheryl said...

This is definitely a yipee skipee!! What a beauty and a job well done.

Stephanie D said...

56 units in 2 hours? Holy Moly--how many lines did you have to put in? I'm getting too old for that much drama! And prayers for the young girl's parents--they must be heartbroken.

I really like the UFO top--it looks like just the kind of quilt I'd want to roll up in to watch television or read a book!

Sue-Anne said...

Your quilt is stunning! I'm so glad you decided to finish it after all that time. Well worth the wait.
That is so sad about the young girl with the drugs. Your job must be very hard to leave at the door when you walk out to go home.

Sharon said...

Aren't UFO's wonderful to get finished? Yours turned out fantastic!

Deanna said...

All together WOW! is what I'd say. I LOVE it. Again, terrific use of color. You have a touch.

Willow Lake Stitches said...

Love these quilts ! What an accomplishment to get the oldest UFO done. It must feel great. Hope it is contagious and that I catch it ! Enjoyed your blog, thanks. . .

Susan said...

Your roses are lovely.

I am delighted for your finish. It is so much fun to see those old projects come to life again.

Trisha said...

I love your sampler! It looks wonderful. What a treat to have discovered those blocks and now you have this beauty!

Quilter Kathy said...

Love it Julie! You did a fabulous job! So much to look at in that quilt!

Amelia said...

The quilt turned out it took a year or two from start to finish...the wait was worth it...just think how you have progressed in the art of quilt creating.

Have a wonderful weekend...and thanks for the compliments.

Linda C said...

Love the finished quilt. This just might inspire me to pull those odd blocks out of their draw and do something with them. Thanks for sharing the picture.

Astrid said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog. Lovely quilt - UFO - you have finished - CONGRATS! I had a rush on UFO's earlier this year, I don't have many left now. :)
Have a wonderful day!

AnnieO said...

The top looks wonderful! This will be a treasure--so glad you persevered and got it all together. I thought you used up all the yellow you owned, but looky there, some still remains.

Sad stories from the hospital. I'm sure there is no end to them, sadly.

Texan said...

OH my I LOVE that quilt! Never would guess that is a older UFO...its so current looking to me.. very scrappy!!! and just so eye catching!!!

Millie said...

Julie, your quilt top is so pretty. I love your sampler and you put so much work in the top...congrats on getting it done!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I love this one! I"m glad you got it out and finished it!

Lucy said...

I LOVE, LOVE this quilt! great job!


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...