Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make-do Memories Challenge!

Lyn of Bluebird Quilts challenged us last take a number of her antique hexagon blocks and make something of them, using vintage or re-purposed fabrics. Above is the quilt I created out of four of the blocks. In many of my books of 1930's quilts, black was used as an accent, so this is what I came up with. First of all, the blocks were quite fragile and needed to be stabilized. Then I blanket stitched them down, then made the top....but! There was one block left...what to do??
This was so much fun! I used nothing but fabrics from the stash, and made a little flower scene...spring is here in Texas, and we are enjoying the sunshine, as is little Miss Flower above!
Even the inch worm and the butterfly are smiling in the sun! I hand quilted this quilt, with yellow sunbeams.
Aren't the fabrics so pretty in the 80 year old quilt block?

Thank you Lyn, for this challenge, I had great fun completing these quilts!!



Amelia said...


The first picture with the black trim looks great...but just love the flower wall hanging one...your own version of the Texas bluebonnets that are in bloom now. Having a smile on several things brought a smile to my face ...certainly a joy to feast my eyes on this rainy afternoon.

Terry said...

I love how you used the black with your hexagons! It really does set them off. Love the little quilt you made with the extra hexagon too! What a cute idea! :0)

Chookyblue...... said...

the mini quilt looks great......perfect use for the hexagon.........

MARCIE said...

Good for you Julie! Those are adorable and I love all the little smiles!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh how wonderful those are! I especially love the top one. My friend loves dresden plates and takes old dresdens she finds and makes small quilts with them all the time. Both of yours with the hexagons are wonderful!

Karen said...

The flower & butterfly quilt is a very creative use of a left over.

Leeanne said...

This is so cute, I like how the flower has a face.

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, beautiful quilts...the black accent is so different and effective...thank you for participating...Hugs Lyn

Joan said...

Your header quilt is lovely...and I really like your quilt with the black in it. Your blog is so interesting...thanks for sharing ♥

House of Mouse said...

May I please have your address...I would love to come and steal both of these projects. They are wonderful and as usual you have spectacular finishes. I have a quilt made by my great-grandmother with the same blocks. I love that quilt. It was used on all of us when we were ill and I was lucky enough to get it before my grandmother passed away. Great job.

Loris said...

What a great response to a challenge. The first quilt is beautiful and sweet. The second is too cute! Lovely creativity :-)

Sharon said...

Julie, you are so creative, I love the flower with the butterfly. Isn't it great to make something completely from your stash? Thanks for sharing

Jan said...

Love what you did with the hexagon blocks---the black and white sets them off perfectly. The little block is just too cute--I love the face on the hexagon block--how sweet!

AnnieO said...

So cute and fun! Whimsy and cheer, what a great combo you used in your challenge. Looking great.

marian said...

WOW the black accent really makes your little quilt POP..i LOVE it!
Love the smaller quilt too..i've got a matching block in my quilt, how about that!
Hasn't this been a fun project..i have just finished stitching down the border on my quilt :) cheers, Marian x

ladydi said...

I love these! I've mentioned before that every time I come to your blog I find something new to inspire me. You are amazing!

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Well, bloglines is down, and since you have so many pretty things on your blog, I've decided to just stay and visit for a while. This hexagon cute - well both of them - are so cute. Love the smiles!

country mouse said...

Love the little quilt with the flower. Too cute!! What a creative use for that one little hexagon block. It just shouts "Happy springtime" :cD


Good morning!!  I am working on the above quilt of valor for this year.  It is actually all together, and just needs to be sent off to Ray, ...