Wednesday, March 17, 2010

May I ask a favor? It is all about emotion!

Hi all: It is all about Emotions!!!

The last 36 hours have been a whirlwind. Please bear with me, I must share this...

Fear: Dear husband started having horrible pains in his right flank area, and then rigor, then fever.
then difficulty breathing, at this point I scooped him up and ran for the hospital, (a scoop and run)

Impatience: After the emergency run to the hospital at 70 miles per hour through town, husband gasping all the way (the normally most stoic man in the world), we waited...and waited...and waited...and the gallbladder scan was negative, the blood work was negative, the EKG was negative, and the kidney stone scan was negative. So we stayed overnight and waited for a CT scan of the abdomen.

Anger: Dear husband wanted to leave...wanted action right now, or better than that, yesterday! I was a little peeved too, because I was not about to let him leave.

Relief: CT scan showed APPENDICITIS!!!! WBC's going up... AT last, a diagnosis...

Worry: How was I to get a surgeon stat and anesthesiologist that I trusted to do an emergency surgery? Prayer was the answer...and a wonderful surgeon just happened to be available.

Anticipation: More waiting, and hoping, and text messaging and prayer...all to find that dear husband sailed through the surgery with flying colors!!!

Relief and gratitude: In recovery now...and I am at home, and collapsed. But I wanted to write this down before I forgot all the emotion in the busyness that is to come. He will require lots of antibiotics, as the appendix was bursting and filled with pus and infection. And lots of post-op TLC.

Love: I am so grateful that our needs are met in advance by our Lord, that dear husband is OK, and we are both so full of gratitude and love.


Would be please send a prayer, or kind thought, or spirit filled feeling into the wind for us? I would so appreciate it...thank you so much, and thank you for listening.

Hugs, Julie


Lisa said...

Oh Julie! I know just how you are feeling. My husband went through something very similar about a month ago. His was his gallbladder & it was removed. I'll be praying for both of you guys. I'll pray for him to recover quickly and with as little pain as possible. And I'll pray for you to have the energy and patience to take care of him the way he needs. Make sure to take a few minutes to take care of yourself too! It's scary to see your husband in so much pain. My thoughts are with both of you!!

Barb said... brought tears to my eyes....must be hormonial.....but I am so grateful that your husband is recovering well and will be okay....what a scarey time!

Grethe said...

All the best to you both.It must have been difficult to have experienced.Pray for you; better
days are soon to come.

Sue-Anne said...

My thoughts and best wishes are with you. I'm so pleased they found out what was wrong and were able to fix it. I hope he has a speedy and trouble free recovery and as Lisa commented, take time to look after yourself and get a break too.

Unknown said...

Thank goodness you got him there in time - sending you both (((hugs))) and every good wish for a speedy and full recovery

Deb said...

Julie...prayers are on their way!! hope that all goes well and surgery is a success.. so glad that you were able to get him to the hospital and they were able to diagnosis..bring some applique while he is in surgery and time will go fast.

Helen in the UK said...

Favour granted - lots of good wishes headed your way from the UK! Thank goodness your quick action got it sorted.
Tuck DH up under a nice quilt and let him watch the guy equivalent of chick-flicks!!! Lots of fuss and he'll soon be on the mend :)

Stephanie D said...

Mom/Nurse advice: Next time, let an ambulance take him! Last thing you two needed was having an accident at 70 mph through town, and the paramedics would have had the O2 and fluids to care for him.

Now that that's said (and it was for everyone's benefit, Julie-kins), thank goodness they found out the problem and were able to do something about it. We all know he has a wonderful nurse, and will get top-notch care!

Get lots of rest while he's there--you're going to need your strength when he comes home, as you well know. Hugs and prayers coming your way!

antique quilter said...

oh Julie I am thinking of you and your DH,
take care of yourself too. What a scary time for both of you. glad everything worked out and he is recovering.

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

So glad all is well!! what a scary adventure!I am sending healing energy and wishes for a speedy recovery!

Terry said...

Wow! So glad to hear everything turned out fine. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for rest and recovery!!

Tudy said...

I am so glad everything has come out for the better. You are in my prayers and thoughts for a full and happy life from now on.

Amelia said...

As strong as you are in your nursing rounds - the patient being your husband the role takes on a very definite feel. ...I think anyway!

Prayer has helped you both this far and it will in the future. I just prayed for you two and I know God is the Great in him.

Keep us aware of the progress he is making.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of prayers and good wishes for both of you are on their way. I'm also sending a heaping batch of sunshine to make you both smile. Please keep us all updated.
Hugs from AZ

KC Quilter said...


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Julie...I could only imagine the whirlwind of emotions during this time. Thoughts are with you both. Bless you!!

The Calico Cat said...

Wow, I felt all of that with you. We will be keeping you in our thoughts. So glad they figured it out "in time."

ria vogelzang said...

Dear Julie, thank you so much for sharing all of this with us!!!
I started praying for both of you!!
The Lord has done great things for your husband and for you!! Trust Him also for DH's recovery and your rest!! He is very close and proven that to both of you!!
Hugs, Ria.

Lori said...

Unbelievable and how scary for you both!! Thank goodness surgery is over. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery.

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh how scarey! So glad to hear they got it out in time!
Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of him :)

*karendianne. said...

My dearest friend, you can count on a prayer immediately. You can depend on me holding you both close to my heart and caring for you all day. You can count on the knowing that. By carrying you within me all day long I hope to send you everything I have within. From my heart to yours with Love, *karendianne.

Debi said...

Will keep you and DH in my prayers. Take care of yourself.

~Laurie~ said...

Oh sweet pea! Thankfully all turned out ok! Take care of yourself now so that you can care for your husband! Sending prayers your way :)

Vicki W said...

I am so glad you got him to the hospital so quickly! I wish him a speedy recovery and a some rest for you!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh how scary! :-o Sending lots of T&P's to you both!

Nancy said...

good thoughts going out...

So glad they finally figured out what was wrong and it was fixed...

Nicole said...

What an ordeal! Thank goodness that the diagnosis was made before things progressed any further! My good wishes are flying to both of you.

Darlene said...

Oh my goodness a true emotional roller coaster for you and your DH but thank goodness it led to resolution. I'm sending huge hugs, happy thoughts and prayers not as an answered favor but 'in friendship'.

Elaine Adair said...

OMgosh - you did everything right - and yes, I will keep you and DH in my prayers. Thanks goodness you did NOT go back home!

Jeanne said...

Keeping you and your husband in my prayers. Thank goodness he didn't leave before they discovered the problem.

AnnieO said...

An emotional and scary rollercoaster ride you went through. Glad it had a successful outcome with the diagnosis and surgery. Sending lots of good and healthy warm thoughts your way! Best wishes for a return to stoicism :)

Suzy said...

How scary for you both. Thankfully they did diagnose it in time. I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Tell hubby to get well soon!

Kristie said...

You and your hubby are in my prayers! Boy that sounded like a rerun of Richard's appendicitis attack a couple of years ago! He doesn't like going to the doctor and is very impatient!!! Hope all is well, and you need to take a much needed rest!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Julie, what an ordeal you've been through, but praise our God for such a great outcome. My prayer is for peace, strength and gratitude for all He's done and continues to do.

Loris said...

Man oh man What a night! I'm so glad he finally got the right diagnosis and treatment. That flank pain probably threw them way off but boy, that's a long time to have to wait. DH is fortunate to have you by his side. I'll echo what the others sure to take some time to recover and rest yourself. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Kaaren said...

You've got it, Julie...a thousand-fold. My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with the both of you. I wish your DH a speedy recovery...and remember to take care of yourself too!

Ginger Patches said...

I will be keeping both of you in my prayers! My sister had kidney stones and they checked her for an appendicitis first. I am so glad he is in recovery and doing well...what an ordeal for you both. He's lucky to have such a caring nurse as his very own :)

Chookyblue...... said...

thank goodness all is well now and I know he will be in very good hands when he gets home.........the good nurse..........

mkhquilts said...

Julie-Wow-it is sure different when it;s your own family isn"t it! Prayers for you and your DZH on thier way!
Mary H

Libby said...

*wow* It has been 38 years to the day that I had the very same surgery. So glad to know that you were able to get the diagnosis and surgery at the right time. Sending hugs and thoughts your way . . . . and remember to take time for yourself - you're no help as a care-giver if you wear yourself out *S*

Janet said...

Thank goodness your DH is ok. I was holding my breath. I went through similar with my son for the same thing and ended up calling an ambulance, he wanted to sleep it off. Is that a guy thing?
Gld it's all ok now, but my thoughts are with you both.

Sharon said...

Thank goodness you got to the hospital in time and didn't let him check himself out! My thoughts are with you, and make sure you get rest, If you're not healthy, you can't look after your dh. :-)

Pat said...

I'm behind on blogs, but I am glad to know this story had a happy ending...and we all know he will get some extra special nursing care!!! I'll keep him in my prayers, for sure.

A Garden of Threads said...

What a worrisome time, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Danielle said...

So glad to hear your hubby is doing well. Thoughts and prayers are coming your way... for both of you!

Kathy said...

Prayings being said; hope things get better!!!

Pat said...

Julie, I will keep yo both in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you both.

Pokey said...

We are so glad it's going well now, but to be in the middle of it all, oh, my goodness!! You both are being prayed for, Lord bless you!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, my thoughts and prayers for you both....a bit of a shock to read your post....take care both of you and wish DH a speedy recovery....Hugs Lyn

Sharon said...

So glad everything turned out ok! Take good care of yourself, too! May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust in Him...

tami said...

Will do. I am so glad he is doing well. Hopefully you can get yourself a good nap now.

FabricandFlowers said...
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FabricandFlowers said...

You'll be in my prayers. Life can change in an instant. Take care of yourself too.

Jan said...

Julie---what a scary time! I'm glad it got resolved and he is better now. Will be praying for both of you!

Trisha said...

Julie, so glad that you were there to make sure he got to the hospital and that you knew a good surgeon. I bet that is hard to be a nurse and let others do the work.

Progress on the flags

I have been doing secret flag sewing at night.  Well, not exactly all know about it!!  But the recipient of the quilt does not....